MusicMood 板


打開車門,發動引擎,6月27日。 下了一點小雨,在車窗玻璃上形成一圈一圈的漣漪。停在接近交流道的路口。 當紅燈亮起,車子停下,路旁開始有人發送廣告傳單。 曾幾何時,在一些重要的路口,都可以看見一群人在那個小紅人倒數的秒數中, 在車陣中發送傳單。 這些傳單幾乎都是房屋仲介的廣告,是一種紙張的浪費和垃圾的製造, 也慢慢使人不再搖下車窗。他們變通的方式是,他們一次塞給你很多張, 或是不斷的向你點頭敬禮;當然,後者對我非常有效。 另外一種以前很經常在馬路旁看到,但已經越來越少見的,就是賣玉蘭花的媽媽。 她們帶著遮檔陽光的斗笠和避免風沙廢氣的頭巾。玉蘭花,越來越貴了, 用著釘書針和迴紋針穿過三四株花朵,四十元。經過兩三天,那香味逐漸散去, 細小的黑色班點出現在枯黃的花瓣中。 被丟棄在垃圾桶之中的四十元,取而代之的是香味持續更久的,一瓶一罐的化學芳香劑。 逐漸消失的身影,沒落的玉蘭花媽媽。沒想到今天,竟然再度看到這一幕, 玉蘭花媽媽,後面還跟著一個小女孩。 A woman waiting by herself, selling flowers "please buy some, so I can help my daughter, will you?" 我腦袋浮現這句歌詞。搖下車窗,向她招手,示意我要買。 「謝謝。」 把擁有White Champak 如此美麗名字的花朵,掛在車座前,淡淡的幽雅味道撲鼻而來。 綠燈亮起,採下油門前進。她們的身影依然在紅綠燈的路口,透過後照鏡映射出來, 但逐漸變小,模糊了起來。 就好像,夏目漱石《少爺》中,阿清為少爺送行的那一幕。 之前新聞報導某個賣胡椒餅照顧女兒的父親一樣,因為電視媒體的宣傳, 大家開始同情地去買他的胡椒餅,但是一段時間後,業績還是再度下滑。 就好像日本某「搶救貧窮大作戰」的節目一樣,九成以上的店家在節目播出一段時間後, 再度面臨了倒閉的危機。 在一些「先進」的城市,搞不好還會以交通安全或是有礙市容之類的理由禁止 這種馬路邊的小小買賣。這逐漸凋零玉蘭花,終究會被我丟棄在垃圾桶之中。 社會如果像巨大的海洋,賣玉蘭花的婦女,彷彿淹沒在巨大的浪潮下小小泡沫, 無數為求生活的弱勢族群,不禁會問 Where does the Ocean go? all day the city's selling something always, the busy people spinning 'round busier dizzier 'til they go back home to somewhere and taxies stop to say "hello" "want a ride? I'll take you there" "to anywhere, just tell my driver" the sun is casting shadows an afternoon is fading I ask, but no one knows the answer to the question my life is like an island where does this ocean go? shyly, a wino sips his wine slowly, cause to him that is all that matters he sees a cat he knows so well now sleeping on a bench together a woman waiting by herself, selling flowers "please buy some, so I can help my daughter, will you?" the man with spider eyebrows is standing on a corner "who wants to see a show?" his head looks like a melon he turns into an alley then stops to blow his nose sky is filled with neon the buildings stand electric and almost seem to glow want answers to the question my life is like an island where does the ocean go? I really want to know my life is like an island it's time for me now to fly where does the ocean go? 本曲試聽,已經放在 -- Memory:Those Which Remain --

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