Movie-Score 板


※ 引述《Burdened (小痞)》之銘言: 就是..一堆人喊那個『哈死哈死店店..』- -" 覺得還蠻熱血的 不知道OST有沒有收 在第幾首呢? --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(
◆ From:
1F:推 yuchueh0305: 08/19 09:58
2F:→ Burdened:謝謝 可是人聲怎麼好小聲的感覺 XD 08/21 02:50
3F:推 AxelSergei:deshay deshay basara basara 08/21 09:25
4F:推 Derp:推樓上@@ 08/22 18:14
5F:→ Katarn: 08/26 13:14
6F:→ Katarn:這首吧...原聲其實是沒收喊聲的.... 08/26 13:15
收錄在 COMPLETE MOTION PICTURE SCORE 第三塊CD The Dark Knight Rises Ultimate Complete SCORE 台灣一般店和博客來好像買不到這張@@ 然後有些曲目和先前出的版本同名異曲 = =....當然還有常見的同曲異名.... CD1 01. Logo 02. Prologue 03. Harvey Dent Day - The Truth About Harvey Dent 04. Room Service 05. Uncrackable Safe 06. He Was the Batman 07. Nothing Out There For Me 08. His He Coming Back? - Bar Shootout 09. Gordon Underground 10. Blake Visits Wayne Manor 11. Hospital Visit - Bruce Follows Selina 12. For Old Times' Sake - Applied Sciences 13. Risen From Darkness <--很小聲 在youtu聽不太出是啥 可能我設備太爛 14. Stock Exchange 15. Batman Chased <--等於原Bonus版的 Risen From Darkness 16. Selina Finds Dagget 17. Rooftop Fight - Back To Batcave 18. Handing Over The Reactor 19. Do You Feel In Charge 20. Batman Could Be Anybody - Selina Apartment 21. Miranda Visits Wayne - Take Me to Bane (前面有板友在問貓女找班恩,是出現在這首尾) 22. The Shadow Betrays You 23. Airport Detainee 24. No True Despair Without Hope 25. Board Members Taken Hostage 26. A Child Born in This Hell 27. Cops Into Sewers - Core Separated CD2 28. Instrument of Your Liberation 29. Gotham Is Yours 30. Born In Darkness 31. This Is Bane's Prison 32. Many Forms of Immortality 33. There's a Storm Going On 34. Not Meant to Die Here 35. No Ordinary Child 36. Special Forces Arrive 37. Someone Sold Us Out 38. Without a Rope 39. Dead Or Exile? - Gordon to Foley 40. Get Me to Fox - Gordon Arrested 41. Bagged Bruce Wayne 42. Remember Where You Parked It 43. On Thin Ice - Batman Returns 44. Come With Me 45. All Out War 46. Not An Ordinary Citizen - The Slow Knife 47. Chasing The Convoy East 48. A Hero Can Be Anyone - Rise 49. The End Credits 48+49 = 片末完整版 = =+ 50. End Credits (Alternative Mix) 51. The End CD3 52. Moody Bruce New Hero Suite = Bonus Track的 Wayne Manor 53. Bane Suite = Bonus的 Bane 54. Cat Suite = Bonus的 Selina Kyle 55. Moody Bruce New Transfiguration Suite = Aurora- In Memory of the Victims (哀悼放映槍擊事件受難者) 56. A Dark Knight Suite = Bonus Track的 Orphan 57. Bane Action 103 BPM Mezzo Suite 58. The Dark Knight Rises Main Z+ 59. Gotham City By Night Part 1 60. Gotham City By Night Part 2 61. Gotham City By Night Part 3 62. Gotham City By Night Part 4 63. Gotham City 64. Why Do We Fall! (Vocal Mix) <----有人聲版的在這裡 65. Batman Chased 66. Rooftop Fight-Back To Batcave (Alternate Mix) 67. Hospital Visit-Bruce Follows Selina (Alternate Mix) 68. A Hero Can Be Anyone (Alternate Mix) 69. Rise (Alternate Mix) 70. Imagine The Fire <---和單張的是不同曲子 單張的那首理論上應該也在這組專輯 但改名了吧 71. A Fire Will Rise (Extended Mix) 72. A Fire Will Rise 73. International Trailer 74. Teaser Trailer Music 75. Ravel - Pavane for a Dead Princess _____________________________________ 其他的等板友自行發掘 曲子太多沒空細聽 T__T

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(
◆ From: ※ 編輯: bowei99 來自: (05/29 15:47)
7F:推 SKnight:這個買不到 因為不是商業發行版XD 05/29 23:31
8F:→ bowei99:驚!! 那那那是怎麼冒出來的@__@a 05/30 00:29
9F:→ firefawkes:不是商業發行版!?!?!?!?!難道是fan made? 05/30 10:46
10F:→ bowei99:我是有看到付費下載網頁啦 0 0 05/30 11:20
11F:推 cerevisiaes:這個版本並非商業發行版,而且國外討論區也有些人在 05/30 11:44
12F:→ cerevisiaes:質疑此版本的真實性 05/30 11:45
13F:→ bowei99:那部份音樂要如何取得?從影片擷取@___@? 05/30 12:38
14F:推 SKnight:我是覺得 應該就是bootleg之類的東西吧?! 05/31 00:37
15F:→ SKnight:原po不曉得bootleg嗎 可參考 10. 1. 2 05/31 00:38
16F:→ bowei99:原來如此 0 0 05/31 00:56
17F:推 hissmile:這個嘛? 06/05 14:46
18F:→ hissmile: ? 06/05 14:47

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