作者Ozzilla (三歪)
標題Re: 幾張無法被奧斯卡提名的原聲帶.....
時間Fri Jan 21 02:28:23 2005
※ 引述《Herreweghe (Damien Rice)》之銘言:
: 以下幾張原聲帶出於我不知道的理由,
: 無法被奧斯卡提名:
: 1.Ray-Craig Armstrong
"Ray" was eliminated based on music rule B.5.(e):
"scores diminished in impact by the predominant use of songs."
( 配樂比重偏低 )
: 2.Shrek2- Harry Gregson-Williams
"Shrek 2" reportedly was dropped b/c much of the material was based on
the first "Shrek" score.
( 沿用前作旋律 )
: 3.Collateral-James Newton Howard
"Collateral" was another case of the director using a variety of music
and not primarily the work of a single composer.
( 配樂比重偏低 )
: !4.Aviator-Howard Shore!
Academy officials wouldn't comment on the record, but (Academy's music
branch executive) committee sources confirmed "Aviator's" score ran
afoul of music rule B.5.(d): "scores diluted by the use of tracked or
pre-existing music."
( 原創/配樂比重偏低 )
: 5.Million Dollar Baby-Clint Eastwood
Eastwood's "Million Dollar Baby" score failed to qualify b/c the
paperwork was submitted too late for committee consideration.
( 報名送件過晚 )
: 5張金球獎提名裡,兩張確定陣亡了.....
消息來源:Variety.com - Award Central 2005
1. 如果影藝學院十年前就施行這種嚴格規範, Hans Zimmer 恐怕要到 Alan
Silvestri 或 Thomas Newman 的家裡才能找到他的小金人。
2. 第五點會不會太誇張呀?找FedEx呀...使命必達耶...
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
※ 編輯: Ozzilla 來自: (01/21 02:38)
1F:推 JennyGarner:推找XX快遞,不過這樣子得獎結果更難預料了 01/21
2F:推 Vassili242:大概是伊斯威特忘記報名截止日期了吧...XD 01/21