MiamiHeat 板


交易過後我們的陣容變成 C :Shaq/Zo PF:Haslem/Doleac/Simien SF:Walker/Wright SG:Posey/ PG:Wade/J-wii/Andre Emmett 只有11名球員有約 把季後賽有點打出來的bulter送走了 後衛如果同時放wade&J-will 防守倒是挺讓人不放心的 Posey的防守還不錯 外線也曾經不錯過(上球季是他的低潮吧) 內線的五名球員應該差不多了 走路人也可以偶爾去幫忙一下 我們透過了交易之後 保住了中產 現在還有將近600萬可以來簽球員 據說熱火現在還在努力跟devil洽談中 他本身也不反對再回來 期待Riley簽下更多驚奇的球員 老王子去年還不賴 或許可以續約 溜馬的DD也不錯 短暫的上場時間可以為內線提供更多的籃板球 尼克若要WAIVE houston 我們也可以考慮看看 好射手難尋阿 ※ 引述《keepstudying (keepstudying)》之銘言: : 路過看到...幫忙貼過來 : : 2005/08/02/AR2005080201533.html : Heat's Jones, Celtics' Walker Included in Proposed Five-Team Deal : MIAMI -- Antoine Walker, Jason Williams and James Posey could soon be : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ : coming to the Miami Heat in a proposed five-team trade that was nearing : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ : completion Tuesday, according to a lawyer and league official both familiar : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ : with terms of the complicated deal. : "Unless something strange happens, it's going to happen," said the lawyer, : who spoke on condition of anonymity. : Miami -- which signed Shaquille O'Neal to a $100 million, five-year deal : earlier Tuesday -- would obtain Walker in a sign-and-trade from the Boston : Celtics, then add Williams, Posey and rookie Andre Emmett from the Memphis : Grizzlies in exchange for veteran swingman Eddie Jones. : The trade -- which has been submitted to the league for approval -- was : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ : first reported by The Miami Herald. League and team officials generally : do not openly discuss proposed trades until they become finalized. : Walker, Williams and Jones are the headliners in the proposed deal, one : that also includes the aftereffects of a three-team deal agreed to earlier : Tuesday by Sacramento, Memphis and Utah. : As part of the Walker deal, Boston would obtain Qyntel Woods, the rights : to Spanish center Albert Miralles and the Heat's $1.9 million trade : exception. : Walker, a three-time All-Star who averaged 19.1 points and nine rebounds : last season for the Atlanta Hawks and Boston Celtics, would be a welcome : addition to the Heat, said forward Udonis Haslem -- who formally signed : his $30.7 million, five-year deal Tuesday. : "We're two different players and we can bring two different things to the : table," Haslem said. "If we put that together, we should have a pretty : good tandem." : The Celtics would get Borchardt from Memphis; Borchardt was part of : Tuesday's earlier trade in which Sacramento acquired guard Bonzi Wells : from Memphis for guard Bobby Jackson and center Greg Ostertag. : Memphis was then expected to send Ostertag to the Utah Jazz for guard Raul : Lopez, forward Kirk Snyder and Borchardt. Snyder would be sent to New : Orleans, along with the Heat's Rasual Butler, and Borchardt would head to : Boston. : It's a deal that represents a major shakeup for Miami, which reached Game : 7 of the Eastern Conference finals this past season -- even though O'Neal : and Dwyane Wade were both hurt at the time. : Jones, a career 16.4-point-per-game scorer, averaged 12.7 in the regular : season and 13.7 in the playoffs as Miami's third option. Williams averaged : 10.1 points and 5.6 assists for the Grizzlies last season. : "He's one of the best playmakers in the game," Haslem said of Williams. : Posey was limited to 50 games this past season because of injuries, and : only 18 starts. He averaged 8.1 points and 4.4 rebounds. : ****************************************************************************** : 真的牽動五隊的話 : 嘖嘖...還真夠大規模了~~ -- 綠橘子的相簿 --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(
◆ From:
1F:推 moeyang:什麼!?簽尼克的休先生...那不就敵人變朋友了.... 08/03
2F:→ moeyang:當年那一投....我心都碎了.........>.<"" 08/03
3F:推 fjjkk:應該是WADE>SG,Williams>PG吧?! 08/03
4F:→ fjjkk:商場沒有永遠的敵人,球場也是 08/03
5F:→ joiyx:好捨不得EJ,他這幾年貢獻太多了,新後場令人擔憂.. 08/03
6F:→ joiyx:J-Will感覺沒理由打替補,可是防守又及格.. 08/03
7F:→ joiyx:個人覺得Posey應該會是先發SF才是.. 08/03
8F:→ joiyx:打錯了 應該是J-will防守不及格.. 08/03
9F:推 benj4191019:仔細看 J_WILL防守進步很多很多了耶... 08/03

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