作者boxboxts (Boxts)
標題[情報] 5/19(日)遊戲平方RL爭奪薪傳賽
時間Tue Apr 23 22:45:37 2024
參賽費: 新台幣1000元
報名人數 及 獎品內容如下:
14人: Grim Monolith, TSR Chalice of the Void, DMR Force of Will, Full Alt Art
16人: Bayou, TSR Chalice of the Void, 2x DMR Force of Will, Full Alt Art Bosei
18人: Bayou, TSR Chalice of the Void, 2x DMR Force of Will, Full Alt Art Bosei
ju, 2x DMR (Old Border) Sylvan Library, MH2 (CHT) Scalding Tarn
24人: Tundra, (CHT) Grim Monolith, ZNE Ancient Tomb, TSR Chalice of the Void
在活動中,我們還會隨機送出 3張Limbus Lab - Dual Land Playmats 給在場的幸運玩家
Hosting a 24 player cap Legacy tournament here in Taiwan soon!
Entry fee is 1,000NTD
Prize support changes based on how many players enroll!
At 14 Players : Grim Monolith, TSR Chalice of the Void, DMR Force of Will, Ful
l Alt Art Boseiju
At 16 Players : Bayou, TSR Chalice of the Void, 2x DMR Force of Will, Full Alt
Art Boseiju
At 18 Players : Bayou, TSR Chalice of the Void, 2x DMR Force of Will, Full Alt
Art Boseiju, 2x DMR (Old Border) Sylvan Library, MH2 (CHT) Scalding Tarn
At 24 Players : Tundra, (CHT) Grim Monolith, ZNE Ancient Tomb, TSR Chalice of
the Void
And throughout the event we will have 3 Limbus Lab - Dual Land Playmats that w
ill be given out randomly!
Proxy friendly (check Rules for more information)!
Hope to see you there!
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://webptt.com/m.aspx?n=bbs/Magic/M.1713883545.A.AAB.html
1F:推 tank555: 南部玩家上去台北玩有優惠嗎 04/24 09:11