看板 MLB  RSS Chicago Cubs outfielder Cody Bellinger, who’s in the first year of a three-ye ar, $80 million contract, is fully expected to remain with the Cubs instead of o pting out of his contract. He’ll be paid $27.5 million next year. Cody Bellinger預期季末不會逃脫和小熊隊的合約了 本季成績 G PA AVG OBP SLG HR OPS wRC+ 119 524 .266 .330 .433 18 .763 112 和小熊合約內容 2024 $30M 2025 $30M(PO) 2026 $20M(PO) 2019
其他消息 Two weeks remain and the San Francisco Giants ownership group still has not deci ded whether to bring Farhan Zaidi, president of baseball operations, back for th e 2025 season in the final year of his contract. 巨人隊尚未決定明年Farhan Zaidi是否續留 明年是雙方合約的最後一年 There are five teams expected to make bids for free-agent outfielder Juan Sot o in free agency this winter, baseball executives believe: the New York Yankees, New York Mets, Toronto Blue Jays, San Francisco Giants and Philadelphia Phillie s. 預計五隊會去競標Juan Soto 洋基 大都會 藍鳥 巨人 費城人 While John Mozeliak, president of baseball operations for the St. Louis Cardi nals, plans to step down after the 2025 season, special assistant Chaim Bloom is expected to have much greater authority next season, perhaps even become the to p baseball decision-maker. 在John Mozeliak計劃2025年後下台後 Chaim Bloom預計將獲得更大的掌控權 While Alex Bregman should be the highest-paid infielder in free agency this w inter, Milwaukee Brewers shortstop Willy Adames may be the second-highest, with executives believing he’ll earn close to Matt Chapman’s recent six-year, $151 million deal with the Giants. 業界預估Willy Adames 在今年FA將拿到和Matt Chapman差不多的合約(151M) --

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1F:推 ck326: 這麼爛當然不會逃脫09/16 11:17
2F:推 zehow: Adames不可能拿那麼少吧 他最差也有卷毛那張合約09/16 11:18
3F:→ zehow: 市場上他是最好的游擊手而且未滿三十歲09/16 11:18
4F:推 Movice: 宇宙道不競標嗎09/16 11:19
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 09/16/2024 11:19:34
5F:噓 lowl99: Zaidi真的該滾,操作和養成超爛 09/16 11:21
6F:推 saiulbb: 逃了就拿不到$30MM的均薪了 09/16 11:28
7F:→ EZ78: Cody去年的進階大概都知道會是溢價約了啦 不可能跳的 09/16 11:45
8F:→ EZ78: 他比較像預期中的修正 大部分跟去年都沒差太多 09/16 11:46
9F:推 conjohn: 和樓上想法相同,就是預期中的修正 09/16 12:20
10F:推 dd1115dd1115: 這種成績當初還想領大約 09/16 12:50
11F:→ dd1115dd1115: 就是一個普咖 09/16 12:50
12F:→ AHEAD099: 他的揮棒機制應該需要修正 現在是軌跡長棒速又慢 09/16 13:11
13F:→ laking: 好在是今年打出這成績,如果去年就拿不到這個合約了 09/16 14:29
14F:推 hdotistyle: Zaidi該滾了吧 09/16 15:31
15F:推 anomic24: 怎麼可能會逃脫,笑死,去年難得運氣好,賺到這張約的 09/16 17:14
16F:推 jerry00116: MVP等級變普通等級球員,還有簽到這張不錯了啦 09/16 19:00
17F:推 a0987761110: 能簽這張很賺了 當初年限要更長還好沒球隊上鉤 09/16 20:23
18F:推 blacklittle: 數據直接崩盤 09/16 21:33
19F:推 k22015987: 去年一堆嘴進階數據 今年都不敢說話了 09/16 22:34
20F:推 a2156700: 預測到未來了 09/16 22:45
21F:推 cloud241: 30M打這成績 明年繼續領30M 是我也不會跳脫XD 09/17 00:59
22F:推 GP03D: 跟躲人的系列賽還刷到IBB和2HR呢 09/17 03:43

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