First Basemen Mark Teixeira ATLANTA BRAVES Age: 27 2008 salary: $12.5 million Key stat: 170 home runs in five seasons. The skinny: The normally frugal Braves probably won't have much shot to re-sign Teixeira after this season, unless he takes a huge dip from his career averages. At age 27, he's already proven to be one of the best first basemen around, and averaging 34 homers per season will bring big money in free agency. 壹報導:以Braves這種儉樸打球的個性來說,在本季之後重新簽下Teixeira似乎不太 高,除非他在這一季陷入了低潮。僅僅27歲的他已經證明自己是聯盟中最棒的一壘手 之一,平均每一季34發全壘打的產量可以給他在FA市場中帶來可觀的合約。 Carlos Delgado NEW YORK METS Age: 35 2008 salary: $16 million Key stat: 431 career home runs The skinny: Delgado had what for him was a rough season in 2007, as his .258 average and 24 home runs were both career lows for a full season. The Mets have a $12 million option on Delgado for 2009, but will be weighing that against a $4 million buyout if their slugger struggles again. 壹報導:Delgado在去年度過了一個對他而言難堪的球季,0.258打擊率,24發全壘打 都是他的生涯新低。Mets還有他2009年的12m選擇權,但如果他的表現還是像去年一樣 糟糕,或許Mets會比較希望用4m把買斷。 Richie Sexson SEATTLE MARINERS Age: 33 2008 salary: $14 million Key stat: .205 average, 21 home runs in 2007 The skinny: Sexson needs a huge rebound from a miserable 2007 season to attract attention on the free agent market. His career-low .205 average, accompanied by 100 strikeouts and late-season benching were bad news for a guy making $14 million. And where did his power go? Sexson's .399 slugging was his lowest since 1997, when he played just five games in his first season for Cleveland. 壹報導:Sexson為了要能夠在FA市場吸引別人注意力,他必須在今年度有著極大反彈 ,不然看看他07年表現,只能在他臉上寫個慘字。0.205打擊率是他生涯新低,還附贈 了100k並且在季末時候被丟到板凳上去,這對一個年薪14m的人來說可不是啥好事情。 那他的power都跑哪去了呢?打架上面嘛?0.399長打率是從1997年以來最低紀錄,當時 他在Cleveland開始他第一個球季而且只打了五場球。 Nomar Garciaparra LOS ANGELES DODGERS Age: 34 2008 salary: $8.5 million Key stat: 11.3 homers per season over last four seasons. The skinny: Garciaparra is a long way from the player he once was in Boston, where he was a perennial MVP candidate. He was moved from shortstop around the infield, eventually to first base, in an effort to save his body from injuries. But his power also dried up, and you don't see a lot of first basemen who can't hit for power. 壹報導:Nomar在Boston曾經待了很長的一段時間,曾經連續多次成為MVP的候選人。 為了要減緩傷勢對他造成的影響,他從游擊防區被移動到內野的各位置,特別是一 壘的這個位置。但他的power已經不復以往了,你應該不常看到一個沒有啥power的 一壘手八。 -- 「寫下這些日記的人,在重新踏上阿根廷的土地時,就已經死去。我,已經不再是我。」 ---Che Guevara--- --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(
◆ From:
1F:推 marx93521:Sexson好酸... 05/15 18:34
2F:推 birdy590:Teixeira 在這群 FA 裡面簡直是鶴立雞群啊, 目標超明顯 05/15 18:36
3F:→ birdy590:今年季後有得搶了 05/15 18:37
4F:推 MandarinKing:這對一個年薪1400m的人來說可不是啥好事情???1400m? 05/15 18:39
5F:推 wtsph:長打率? 05/15 18:39
6F:推 OoyaoO:今年結束後的FA有哪些大物阿 我只知道鐵爺跟CC@@ 05/15 18:43
7F:推 birdy590: 05/15 18:48
8F:→ birdy590:不過有些可能會續約, 球季後段會比較明朗 05/15 18:48
9F:→ majohn:阿,手殘了...來改一下 05/15 18:52
10F:推 yioliu:slugging is 長打率 05/15 18:53
※ 編輯: majohn 來自: (05/15 18:56)
11F:→ majohn:改嚕,手殘拍謝 05/15 18:57
12F:→ geneaven:最近一壘手沒Power的越來越多了... 05/15 19:08
13F:推 qlz:儉樸打球orz 05/15 19:11
14F:→ maxspeed150:1B即使不是巨炮也都要有平均以上不少的打擊能力 05/15 19:42
15F:→ maxspeed150:例如Youkillis、Kotchman大概都不是單季30HR的 05/15 19:43
16F:→ maxspeed150:但是他們都是有一定power Nomar根本是不行了..... 05/15 19:43

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