※ [本文轉錄自 SFGiants 看板] 作者: abc12812 (abc12812) 看板: SFGiants 標題: [翻譯]Crossing the Bridge(4-4) 時間: Wed May 14 12:55:08 2008 The first thing that I noticed was the height of the glove side arm during the throwing process. If you look at Zito's delivery in 2000, he separates the glove and ball hands in a more horizontal manner—more in the transverse, or east-west plane). In 2008 he has much more of a teeter-totter release. The glove hand is raised much higher during the throwing process. You also can see that his front shoulder is elevated much more in 2008 as compared to 2000. Also, look at the height of the front foot at the same point of delivery. Not only are his shoulders elevated, but his front hip is also elevated. Again, this promotes “teeter-totter” and is cannibalizing rotation around the spine. If we look at the body just after release of the ball you can see that he's bent over more. Look at the position of his head—it is bending down almost below the shoulder line. One potential consequence of losing east-west rotation is a decrease in forearm layback (action rotation of the shoulder). That rotation is critical in terms of developing a whipping action. There are several critical aspects in creating this loop. The greater the amount of forearm flexion, the greater the potential throwing velocity. In the picture below you can see that the amount of forearm flexion in 2008 appears to be somewhat less than in 2000. What's also critical about the whipping process is getting the forearm to lay back in the rotational plane of the shoulders. The greater the north-south (teeter-totter) delivery, the greater the potential for the forearm to not lay back in the rotational plane of the shoulders. And then we have that “funky” action of the posting legs after release in 2008, as compared to what I call a well-behaved posting leg in 2000. More often than not, I learn as much about a player's throwing effectiveness from watching what happens to the pitcher's body after release as what happens before the release. In particular, look at how Zito's rear leg passes through what I consider a very awkward-looking configuration as compared what his posting leg is doing in 2000. This indicates pushing the ball forward. The action of that posting leg also suggests loss of rotation of the pelvis and upper torso around the front hip joint. The back leg action in 2008 as compared to 2000 possibly indicates that Zito is not rotating around the front hip joint as efficiently as he did in 2000. It is possible that Zito, like most pitchers, coaches and instructors, believes that the further he releases the ball out in front , the greater his advantage. Nothing could be further from the truth. Attempting to release the ball out iront or extend to the batter is the quickest way to degrade velocity and movement. It becomes a vicious cycle, because as he tries to release further out in front and get more on the ball, he becomes more linear, which promotes more muscling of the ball and loss of mechanical advantage. The more he tries to muscle the ball, the less control he has. One of the most telling effects of this is missing high with the fastball These differences in Zito's 2008 mechanics as compared to his 2000 mechanics are enough to create a 4-5 mph velocity decrease along with control problems. In closing I've taken the liberty to construct a 92 mph Barry Zito. Should a representative of the Giants (or Zito) wish to contact me I would be very happy to share my thoughts on what it takes to design and implement a 92 mph Zito…… 我第一個注意到的是他的手套抬得特別高。在2000年時Zito的手套是比較向水平方向伸展 。2008年他的姿勢已經變成有些像是蹺蹺板的樣子了。 你可以看到他前面肩膀的部份也抬得更高了。 還有,不只是上半身,他的臀部也抬高了。同樣的,這會讓他的姿勢變的像蹺蹺板並且降 低身體的旋轉幅度。 出手後的一剎那:身體彎曲的更多了,看看他頭的位置,都快比肩線還低了。 喪失水平方向的旋轉的其中一個結果是手臂後彎的程度降低。身體的旋轉對於加強手臂後 彎相當重要。手臂後彎得愈多,球速愈快。從下圖中可以看到Zito的手臂後彎程度已經不 若以往。 另一個和揮臂相關的重點是手臂後彎的的方向要和肩膀的旋轉平面相同。愈多"蹺蹺板"式 的姿勢,愈容易讓手臂後彎的的方向不對。 接下來,我們可以看到2008年Zito投完球後奇怪的後腳姿勢: 就像是出手前的姿勢,我們也常常可以從投手投完球後的姿勢來了解這個投手的投球效率 。把現在Zito奇怪的後腳姿勢和以前的他來比較一下。這暗示了"推球"的出現。 這個後腳姿勢同時也暗示了身體在腰部臀部旋轉的減少。顯然他在2008年的旋轉效率比起 2000年已經大大減少。 很有可能Zito和大多數的教練想法一樣,認為出手點愈前面愈好。沒有一件事比這個想法 更蠢。 嘗試讓出手點更前面是是最容易降低球速和尾勁的方法。這會造成惡性循環。當投手更想 把出手點往前延伸,就會造成更多的直線運動,也就是說造成更多的"用力丟球"。當他愈 想"用力丟球",他對球的控制力就愈低。最容易被大家看到的現象是這位投手沒辦法把球 壓低。 Zito在2008年和2000年的這些不同已經足以產生4-5 mph的球速下降和控球問題。 我在這邊用模擬軟體模擬了92-mph版本的Zito。 假如有任何巨人隊的人員想跟我請益,我會很樂意告訴他們我的想法,關於怎樣重新產生 一個92-mph版本的Zito... === 註:解釋一下前面所謂的"南北"和"東西"。"東西"指的是橫向的運動、"南北"指的則是縱 向的運動。想像一下地圖的方位應該不難理解。 --

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1F:推 youngways:超長的翻譯.....有看有推~ 05/14 14:11
abc12812:轉錄至看板 PlayBaseball 05/14 14:14
2F:推 ERWILSON:推! 建議可轉MLB版,那邊會比較多人看 05/14 19:20
3F:→ abc12812:我在MLB板被水桶了耶,不好意思 05/14 19:27

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4F:推 JohnnyT:推一下 辛苦了 05/15 01:14
5F:推 majohn:abcㄉㄉ水喔 05/15 02:33
6F:推 dodobb:推喔 曾經滿喜歡Avery的 05/15 07:22
7F:推 ShinnAono:辛苦了 05/15 08:00
8F:推 bluewaterr:... 05/15 09:52
9F:推 jehannn:推! 05/15 10:11
10F:推 fishhook:好文,推~ 05/15 15:12
11F:推 HXZ:推 05/15 16:33
12F:推 fqom:推好文 05/16 00:41

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