游擊手 Orlando Cabrera CHICAGO WHITE SOX Age: 33 2008 salary: $9 million Key stat: .301, 86 RBIs in 2007. The skinny: Insiders laud Cabrera's leadership along with his obvious talents with the bat and in the field. He came to Chicago in a trade for Jon Garland. This oft-overlooked player will be looking for a piece of the spotlight in free agency. 有內線指出,卡布的領導能力跟他的棒子和手套一樣厲害。卡布和 Garland 交換而來到 白襪,這位有點被高估的球員將會想要在自由市場上試試身價。 Rafael Furcal LOS ANGELES DODGERS Age: 30 2008 salary: $13 million Key stat: At least 20 steals in each of his eight seasons. 前八季每季至少 20 盜。 The skinny: Furcal doesn't really walk that much for a top of the order guy, but his defense is solid and he's a demon on the basepaths usually good for 100 runs per season, Furcal fell off a bit in 2007, and will be looking to rebound in 2008. 對一個第一棒打者來說,佛考的保送少了點,不過他防守好,也是個優秀的跑者,每季通 常有 100 得分,去年打得不好,看看今年會不會有反彈。 三壘手 Hank Blalock TEXAS RANGERS Age: 27 2008 salary: $5.95 million Key stat: 26 home runs over last two seasons. 前兩季每季 26 轟以上。 The skinny: Once a huge power threat, the two-time All-Star seems to have lost some pop while battling injuries over the last couple seasons. Nonetheless, he is still young enough to receive a lot of interest on the market with a strong 2008. The Rangers have an option for 2009, but appear to be looking elsewhere, as they had him on the trade block over the offseason. Blalock 曾經是個有力的打者,兩次全星星,自從受傷之後顯得有點掙扎。不過沒 關係,他還很年輕,如果今年的表現不錯,明年應該還是有人搶著要。條子在 2009 年有 選擇權,不過應該不會執行,因為他們在去年季後就已經把 Blalock 放上交易檯過。 Joe Crede CHICAGO WHITE SOX Age: 29 2008 salary: $5.1 million Key stat: 30 home runs, 94 RBIs in 2006. The skinny: 2007 was a lost season for Crede as he played in only 47 games. The White Sox tried to work on a multi-year deal with the third baseman over the offseason, perhaps hoping for a return to his 2006 form. But they also have Josh Fields waiting in the wings if Crede bails as a free agent. 對 Crede 來說 2007 年是失望的一年,因為他整年只打了 47 場比賽。白襪去年季後 試著和 Crede 簽下複數年合約,希望他能回復到 2006 年 30 轟 94 RBI 的身手,不過 如果簽不下 Crede 的話,白襪也在旁邊準備好了 Josh Fields 來取代他。 -- 待續 -- -- 轉錄可,請註明出處作者 --

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1F:推 daniel955377:Cabrera是到白襪 04/07 23:49
※ 編輯: uilnivla 來自: (04/07 23:50)
2F:→ uilnivla:感謝指正 04/07 23:50
3F:→ gamelist:我的FB有選Blalock當David Wright的備胎,加油~~ 04/08 00:20

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