這是在ProTrade上看到的文章 覺得還滿有趣的所以就po上來了~ Records 6-10 are unlikely to ever be broken (yet it could be done) whereas 1-5 will stand forever. 10. Orel Hershiser - 59 straight scoreless innings - A pitcher would have to pitch 6 straight shutouts, then pitch 5 more scoreless in his next start. The way HRs are hit today, no way this is broken. 9. Johnny Vander Meer - 2 Consecutive No-Hitters - 1938 - Throwing a no hitter is a rare feat...we see about 0-3 each year. For the same pitcher to do it twice in a row would be spectacular. That, however, would only be tieing the record. For someone to break the record by pitching 3 straight NoNos is almost unthinkable. 8. Ty Cobb - 54 Steals of Home (career) - How often do we see stealing of home? I don't know if home has been stolen 54 times in the last 10 years, let alone by one player. 7. Cal Ripken Jr. - 2,632 Consecutive Games (career) - Equal to playing every game for 16 straight years. Would seem to be unbreakable, but that's what people said about Gerhig's record too. 6. Nolan Ryan - 7 No Hitters (career) - Once again, a NoNo is a rare feat. To do it 7 times in a career is a pretty safe record. Now, the No Way These Ever Get Broken: 5. Rickey Henderson - 1,406 Stolen Bases (career) - To match this record, a player would have to steal 100 bases for 14 straight years. Considering no one has stolen 100 bases in 20 years, this record is unbeatable. The active leader is Kenny Lofton with 615 SBs. His single season career high is 75 in 1996 (He was a TRIBE by the way). If he steals 75 bases for the next 10 and a half years, he will break the record. He's already 40 years old. 4. Connie Mack - 3,776 games won as a manager (career) - 37 100 win seasons (no one won 100 last year). Or, start managing when you're 40. Retire when you're 85. Win 84 games a year and the record is yours. Active leader Tony La Russa only has 1,400 more wins to go. With a .526 career winning percentage, Larussa only needs to manage 2,662 more games, or 16 more seasons. Not very likely since he's 63 years old, and since the Cardinals suck. La Russa may be the last hope to break this record, but I don't see it happening. 3. Ty Cobb - .367 BA (career)* - Tony Gwynn was a career .338 hitter. Todd Helton, the active leader, is a .333 hitter. Considering only 4 active players have hit over .367 in a single season (Bonds, Helton, Garciaparra, and Ichiro), I don't see this record ever being broken. *As per MLB rules, min. 5000 AB 2. Walter Johnson - 110 Shutouts (career) - Highest active total is Roger Clemens with 46, meaning that if his next 64 starts (2 full seasons) are all shutouts, then he proves me wrong. 1. Cy Young - 511 Wins (career) - 30 wins for 17 years. Or, go the easy route winning "only" 20 games for 25 years. Enough said. I'm sure you all out there will determine the honorable mentions --

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1F:推 James73:since the Cardinals suck 這句很Orz...... 06/27 00:04
2F:推 James73:漏了Ryan生涯5714個SO 連續20年300 SO還差14個 06/27 00:06
3F:→ shancko:樓上 你的算術要加油 XD 06/27 00:08
4F:推 James73:XDD 打錯了 19年才對 06/27 00:11
5F:推 MarsPeople:RJ如果早開竅個三年,今年他就能打破5714這個紀錄了 06/27 00:39
6F:推 assin:RJ的K/9是10.78,史上最高...Ryan是9.55史上第4 06/27 00:49
7F:推 poikml:實在是不覺得有哪個紀錄會被破 06/27 01:06
8F:推 Fallanakin:7可能是裡面最容易破的了,囧 06/27 01:16
9F:推 Fenixbroken:樓上錯了 Tejada受傷後 我想已經沒什麼人可以挑戰了 06/27 01:23
10F:→ Fenixbroken:我的意思是 現役球員很少能挑戰 06/27 01:56
11F:推 ckhou:單季38隻3壘安打應該也非常非常難 06/27 01:57
12F:推 lolity:我覺得第七是最難破的!!連續出賽必需沒有傷風感冒,還要維 06/27 02:51
13F:→ lolity:持實力不能有低潮去坐板凳,不能有婚喪喜慶缺席任何比賽~~ 06/27 02:52
14F:推 chevylove:Matsui如果不是斷了手也很難講 06/27 03:07
15F:推 KKyosuke:日美通算不能算啦.. 06/27 05:49
16F:推 vzxx6jg6:連續兩場無安打感覺算是最容易破的 06/27 07:45
17F:推 mouz:連續56場安打呢? 06/27 08:26
18F:推 msyang:現役最接近Tejada的是Teixeira 不過差他六百場以上.. 06/27 08:43
19F:→ yclinpa:Cy Young 的生涯 316 敗可能比 511 勝更難破 06/27 10:22
20F:→ yclinpa:有這麼多敗投,早就被火了 XD 06/27 10:23
21F:推 ERWILSON:2632難就難在不能有那麼多"如果"啊!! 06/27 10:23
22F:推 Fenixbroken:而且Ripken更厲害的地方是他守SS後來轉3B但都沒受傷 06/27 11:21
23F:推 jaminson:鐵爺也進DL了.. 06/27 18:27

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