作者isaacchen (元)
標題Re: [問題] 未來mlb有無可能再增加新球隊呢...
時間Sun Jun 17 23:17:41 2007
稍微翻了一下 蠻有趣的
Several reasons have been cited for the lack of a major professional team:
1.Las Vegas only became a large market very recently.
2.The perceived stigma of legal sports betting may be seen as being in conflict
of interest with any potential pro sports team being located in Las Vegas by
the NBA, the NFL, the MLB and the NHL. All four leagues have strong
anti-gambling policies, going so far as to prohibit their leagues' personnel
from having any involvement in gambling interests. There are currently no
laws preventing Nevada sports books from accepting bets on local professional
teams, and many casinos have said they would not voluntarily take a local
team "off the boards."
這些球團包括NBA, NFL,MLB和NHL 這四個職業聯盟都有嚴格的反賭博政策
不要簽注地主隊相關比賽 大多數賭場也表示他們不會主動排除地主隊的相關簽注
Some potential owners believe a professional sports franchise would have
serious difficulty competing for an audience in a city with so many
entertainment options. Also, Las Vegas is not on a work schedule like most
cities. Las Vegas is a true 24/7 city, which results in a smaller potential
market for a sports event. An estimated 40 percent of the local population
works in 24-hour industries.
(賭博? Shows? 特種行業? 太多了...XD)
而且 LV和其他城市也不太一樣
這是個不夜城 所以大部分的員工都是24小時三班制
Las Vegas is still a relatively small television market, because most of the
immediate surrounding area is sparsely populated and the more populous
outlying areas were all drawn into the markets of larger cities farther away
decades ago. For example, St. George, Utah is now part of the Salt Lake City
market, and Bullhead City, Arizona is part of the Phoenix market. Las Vegas'
TV market has been ranked as the 51st largest in the US, behind places like
Albuquerque, Greensboro, Harrisburg, and Hartford. Furthermore, although
Nevada's population is growing rapidly, it still had under two million people
in the 2000 census. No other state with less than two million people has a
major league franchise, and there is only one team (the Utah Jazz) based in a
state with a population of less than three million.
LV的轉播市場在全美只排在51名 還輸給
Albuquerque, Greensboro, Harrisburg, and Hartford等等小城
除此之外,雖然LV的人口成長極快 內華達州在公元兩千年的時候仍然不到200萬
(編按 2006年已有249萬人了)
In April 2004, Major League Baseball (MLB) Commissioner Bud Selig publicly
revealed that MLB was considering Las Vegas as a potential future home for
the Montreal Expos. However, MLB eventually chose Washington, D.C. as the
Expos' new home. Washington won primarily because they agreed to provide a
new stadium built entirely with public funding, something Las Vegas Mayor
Oscar Goodman said that the city will not do for a pro sports franchise.
在2004年 大聯盟執行長Bud Selig公開表示大聯盟正在考量將LV列入
引述《chopinlee (稻葉)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《isaacchen (元)》之銘言:
: : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
: : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
: : 其實還是有城市可以擺唷。
: : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_urban_areas
: : 這是2000年時的普查資料
: : 若以urban area來算的話,目前大聯盟球隊中所在地規模最小的是密爾瓦基酒鬼。
: : 城市規模約130萬人
: : 而規模排在這之前的城市卻沒有大聯盟球隊的就有好幾個
: : Portland(波特蘭): 1,583,138 (奧勒岡)
: : Sand Jose: 1,538,312 (加州)
: : Virginia Beach: 1,394,439(維洲)
: : Sacramento (沙加緬度): 1,393,498 (加州)
: : San Antonio(聖安東尼奧):1,327,554(德州)
: : Las Vegas (拉斯維加斯):1,314,357(內華達)
: : 這裡面會發現大部分都集中在美西(除了為吉尼亞沙灘和聖安東尼奧之外)
: : 剛好美聯西區只有四隊...?
: : 而這些城市裡最有可能出現mlb球隊的應該就是波特蘭了
: : 這是wiki對波特蘭的介紹
: : There has been recent interest in attracting a Major League Baseball
: : franchise to Portland. In 2004, the city made an unsuccessful bid for the
: : Montreal Expos, and in 2006 was contacted by the Florida Marlins.
: : 大意就是說波特蘭一直都對爭取大聯盟球隊很有興趣,曾經接觸過馬林魚
: : 也曾在2004年爭取競標博覽會,不過兩次都失敗作收。
: 之前NBA明星賽在Las Vegas辦的時候就有報導說明
: 為何這個大城市沒有任何一支四大職業運動的球隊
: 原因就是賭博,這裡的"組頭"大到我們無法想像,這裡的賭客多到我們無法想像
: 所以你能聯想到的任何麻煩應該也不少
: 這個城市有實力組球隊的財團絕對有,但當局會不會放行?目前看來是不會
: : 另外一個有可能城市應該就是Las Vegas
: : 原因就是城市成長實在太驚人了
: : 其實Las Vegas目前已經有1,825,751人了(2006)
: : 也就是在短短的5年之間 Las Vegas又增加了整整50萬人
: : 平均一年增加10萬人
: : 照這樣的速度下去 在2010年就會超越目前所有大聯盟球隊所在城市一半以上
: : (例:美中大城聖路易不過210萬人左右)
: : 加上拉斯維加斯龐大的娛樂業...
: : 所以可以預期的是 在未來的10~20年內
: : 美聯是有加入兩支新球隊的空間 而這兩支球隊應該都會在美西...
: : 這也符合美國的發展逐漸往太平洋區擴張的趨勢。
: : 不過可能也會有既有球隊遷移的情形發生
: : 所以球隊總數是否增加可能還要再觀察囉~^^
: : 這純粹是我個人的分析啦~有錯請指正..> <
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 runlikehell:辛苦翻譯,推一個 06/17 23:27
2F:推 krara:推 06/18 00:07
3F:推 VaROne:不管從哪方面比較 D.C 都比 Las Vegas 來的適合。 06/18 00:13
4F:推 VaROne:人口、球場、中產階級人數、歷史,LV 樣樣皆輸。 06/18 00:16
5F:推 scott29:推 06/18 03:43
6F:推 andyspree:推!好文 06/18 13:23
7F:推 alonelv:推!!! 06/18 13:30