Reyes named NL's top player for April By Gregor Chisholm / Reyes 獲選國聯四月份最佳球員 By Gregor Chisholm / Shortstop Jose Reyes is the engine that makes the Mets offense run. Batting leadoff, it's the 23-year-old's responsibility to jumpstart one of the National League's most powerful offenses. 游擊手 Jose Reyes 是大都會攻勢的發動機。身為首棒打者,這位 23 歲球員的責任是 啟動國聯最強大的進攻火力。 And that's exactly what Reyes did in the first month of the 2007 season. After finishing April with a .356 average and scoring 26 runs, Reyes was voted the Sharp Presents the National League Player of the Month. It's the first time Reyes has received the honor during his three-year career. 而這正是 Reyes 在 2007 年球季第一個月所作出的表現。Reyes 四月份的打出了 .356 的打擊率並跑回了 26 分,這使他獲得國聯的當月最佳球員。這是 Reyes 在他三年的職 棒生涯中第一次獲得這個獎項。 Entering Wednesday's action, Reyes led the Major Leagues with 17 stolen bases and five triples. He's on pace to threaten the Mets single-season record for triples (21) set by Lance Johnson in 1996. 到星期三為止,Reyes 的 17 次盜壘以及 5 支三壘安打都在大聯盟居首。他正威脅著 1996 年 Lance Johnson 所創下大都會單季三壘安打的紀錄(21隻)。 "Every time I see the ball in the gap, 99 percent of them are going to be a triple and I'm going to be at third base," Reyes said earlier this month. "I just put the ball in the right place. That makes it easy for me." Reyes 在這個月稍早曾說過,"每當我看到球打到防守的空隙,那百分之 99 會成為一支 三壘安打,而我一定會站在三壘。我只要把球打到適當的位置。那對我來說就十分容易了 。" Sharp will present Reyes with a Sharp AQUO full HD LCD-TV for his impressive month, and he will also receive a trophy for the achievement. Sharp 會頒給 Reyes 一台 Sharp AQUO full HD LCD-TV 以讚揚他令人印象深刻的一個月 ,他還會獲得此榮譽的獎品。 Other players receiving votes were Florida's Miguel Cabrera who hit .360 with eight home runs and 19 RBIs, San Francisco's Barry Bonds who hit .356 with eight home runs and 17 RBIs, and Reyes' teammate Carlos Beltran who hit .356 with six home runs and 23 RBIs. 其他有獲的選票的球員包括佛羅里達的 Miguel Cabrera,他有著 .360 的打擊率,八支 全壘打及 19 分打點,舊金山的 Barry Bonds,他有著 .356 的打擊率,八支全壘打及 17 分打點,最後是 Reyes 的隊友 Carlos Beltran,他有著 .356 的打擊率,六支全壘 打及 23 分打點。 Gregor Chisholm is an associate reporter for This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs. --

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◆ From:
1F:推 mrkey:17 Steals...1/3的球隊Total沒他多吧..... 05/03 14:11
2F:推 mobrick:他昨天還想偷本壘..簡直就是眼裡沒有投補了他 XD 05/03 14:13
3F:推 Raikknen:真想看Crawford vs Reyes那個最快跑完4個壘包 05/03 14:44
4F:推 Carmelo3:Jose~~ Jose Jose Jose~~ 05/03 15:47
5F:推 Jason11982:只看標題我還肖想是Anthony Reyes 05/03 17:19
6F:推 realG:我的FB同時擁有Reyes跟Crawford 科科 05/03 17:21
7F:推 Sarladin:樓樓上 我跟你一樣在做夢 都忘了他開季五連敗XD 05/03 17:46
8F:推 kukki:我也以為是Anthony..太可惜了..XD 05/03 19:24
9F:推 lavendertea:reyes好帥! 05/03 20:09

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