※ 引述《w1379 (鄉民嘴砲比幹砲厲害)》之銘言: : 小球員有什麼不良影響?打木棒就不能正確的揮棒?打木棒就人人鳥碰?但很抱歉, : 要論鳥碰安打的機率彈性好的鋁棒反而機率高,有時後隨便破壞球只要打到球心一樣 : 飛的老遠,長打成績上當然好。台灣目前的貧打現況到底是那群打鋁棒的球員造成的, : 還是這群打木棒年輕球員造成的,相信各位都有答案。 [quote] ... I believe, and I have nothing but intuition to back this up, that people who throw sliders lose their velocity more quickly than people who don't. As they get older, and their fastball slows down, they tend to rely more on the slider. The slider takes away from their velocity. And before too long, their velocity--and the sharp slider along with it--is gone. Instead of following the natural way to put force on the ball, they try to create additional rotation by using their wrist. I've seen this happen many times. (Excerpted from "Nolan Ryan's Pitcher's Bible," at 172.) Foreword: The Vanishing Fastball (by Eugene Coleman) Why, when pitching is so important, is there a shortage of power pitchers? Velocity has decreased in baseball, to some extent, because young pitchers don't throw enough fastballs, pitches per workout, or pitches per week. Some professional scouts believe the problem begins in Little League. Young players realize that it's easier to trick hitters than to throw a fastball by them. The end result is a growing number of youngsters with good breaking balls and below-average velocity. The trend for high school and college pitchers is similar: College pithcers today often throw 50 percent off-speed pitches, and the percentage is even higher in high school. I've charted several successful high school teams whose pitchers threw 60-65 percent off-speed pitchers. Many people in professional baseball point to aluminum bats as the source for changes in basic pitching patterns. The inside fastball, which almost always jams hitters using wooden bats, loses its effectiveness against an aluminum bat. Instead of throwing inside, then, pitchers spot their fastball and use their breaking ball as their out pitch. These young pitchers basically discard the fastball and do little to develop the strength and durability of their arms. ... "Nolan Ryan's Pitcher's Bible," at 9. --

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◆ From: ※ 編輯: WillWaiting 來自: (09/22 21:02)
1F:→ WillWaiting:台灣打木棒的結果是變化球的變多 09/22 21:03
2F:→ WillWaiting:跟美國完全相反 09/22 21:05
3F:→ w1379:用鋁棒反而讓投手的內角速球失去威力,轉而使用更多的變化球 09/22 21:17
4F:→ w1379:來對付打者,這才是Ryan的用意 09/22 21:18
5F:推 LedZeppelin:你真的有看上這篇文章嗎? 09/22 21:40
6F:推 w1379:The inside fastball,which almost always jams hitters 09/22 21:44
7F:→ w1379:using wooden bats, loses its effectiveness against an 09/22 21:45
8F:→ w1379:aluminum bat. 看不懂的地方要說喔。 09/22 21:45
9F:推 LedZeppelin:你只會從文章看到你想看的字而已嗎? 09/22 21:46
10F:→ w1379:Instead of throwing inside, then, pitchers spot their 09/22 21:46
11F:→ LedZeppelin:直球丟太少你沒看到? 滑球會影響球速發展你沒看到? 09/22 21:47
12F:→ w1379:fastball and use their breaking ball as their out pitch. 09/22 21:47
13F:→ LedZeppelin:我的屁眼都比你眼睛看的清楚了 09/22 21:47
14F:→ w1379:滑球是Ryan一向反對的,使用鋁棒是造成過度使用滑球的主因 09/22 21:47
15F:→ w1379:前後因果關係看清楚,你的屁眼看來上廁所時沒嚓乾淨 09/22 21:48
16F:→ w1379:Ryan一向主張用曲球、變速球來取代滑球,但造成變化球大增的 09/22 21:49
17F:→ w1379:原因是因為使用鋁棒讓內角直球失去威力,變的只能使用變化球 09/22 21:50
18F:→ w1379:來當out pitch,決勝球。 09/22 21:51

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