※ [本文轉錄自 NTUEE100 看板 #1DWCQXPK ] 作者: weichih37 (Jambalaya) 看板: NTUEE100 標題: [徵才] 西門子2011新鮮人培訓計畫 時間: Wed Mar 16 22:18:06 2011 Objectives: A systematic training program to develop talented graduates into Siemens’ world-class professionals in various functions. Program introduction: A two-year program starting June 2011, during which participants will be assigned to three phases of training sessions each lasts 6-8 months focusing on topics such as products, engineering, sales and business administration, depending on the background and qualifications of the participants. Some of the sessions may be located at our offices in China. Qualifications: - Fresh graduate with Master or Bachelor degree in electrical engineering with special courses on energy electronics and/or automation. - Good command in English, reading, writing and speaking. - Positive thinking, assertive, confident, broad-minded and quick in response. Good communication skills, with a global perspective. - Male applicants should have completed military service before June 2011 Remuneration package: - A fixed monthly salary of NT$50,000 while in the Program - Daily allowance and accommodation will be provided while training overseas - Siemens bears all training, airfare, and visa expenses - Labor insurance, National Health Insurance and Siemens group insurance provided. Upon successful completion of the Program, a certificate will be granted. Participants of this Program will be subject to an employment bond with Siemens extending to 2 years after completion of the Program. Please attach a copy of diploma (graduating students in year 2011 may be exempted) and transcripts for your application. Application deadline: March 31, 2011 Selection process: Phase I Qualifications screening Phase II Examination (English test/mathematic logics/business concept) Phase III English interview  職務名稱:Siemens Taiwan Graduate Program 2011 - Engineering 西門子2011新鮮人培訓計劃 - 理工系  職務類別:自動控制工程師、電機技師/工程師、電子工程師  職務性質:全職  工作地點:台北市南港區、園區街3號8樓  到職日期:不拘  薪資待遇:50,000  聘用人數:5~8  休假制度:週休二日  上班時段:09:00 ~ 18:00 主要條件要求  學  歷:大學/碩士/博士  科  系:電機電子工程相關、工程學科類  工作年資:不拘  語文能力:英文聽‧精通 說‧精通 讀‧精通 寫‧精通  擅長工具:電腦╱網路類 Excel、Outlook、PowerPoint、Word 應徵資訊  應徵方式:     聯絡人- 歐陽小姐     104 履歷表或中、英文履歷, 應徵項目,寄:     台北市南港區園區街3號8樓 人力資源發展處 歐陽小姐     E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 02-26528641     公司資料查詢: http://www.siemens.com.tw  聯絡信箱:[email protected]  有效日期:2011/3/31 --

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