前幾周BloombergBusinessweek把Fuqua列為全美第一的MBA 你知道Duke University的商學院(The Fuqua School of Business)嗎? 這是一所想改變世界、勇於做自己的學校 打算申請MBA的每一個你/妳,都不應該錯過的選擇 我們是目前Fuqua的MBA在校生,以前申請過程中也受到很多人的幫助 希望能多幫助一些台灣人申請上Fuqua 這幾天R1的面試通知已經陸續發出,恭喜收到面試邀請的同學們! 也聽說許多正在準備申請R2的同學在申請過程中有些疑問 以下是我們的相關背景與聯絡資訊, 歡迎正要準備面試、要申請R2的同學直接email到下面我們個人的學校信箱! 預祝大家申請順利!加油!:) PS. 請大家不要直接把申請文件寄給我們看 預計12月20日晚上我們會舉辦校友與在校生的Coffee Chat, 有興趣的同學歡迎推文回覆你的email!等時間地點確定之後會通知大家! 1st Year Student 1. Emma Chen PreMBA: Public servant in Department of Health, pharmacist PostMBA: Consulting + Healthcare Strengths of application: GMAT and Interview [email protected] 2. Hsi-Mei (喜美) Chen PreMBA: Tech + Agriculture PostMBA: Operations + Agriculture + Social Entrepreneurship Strengths of application: Essay & Interview [email protected] 3. Sang Chang PreMBA: Tech + Manufacturing PostMBA: Tech + Consultant Strengths of application: Essay & Interview [email protected] 4. Stanley Liu PreMBA: Healthcare and Industrial zone development PostMBA: healthcare [email protected] 5. Xenia (其珊) Chang, PreMBA: Finance + Social impact + start-up PostMBA: Strategy/Finance + Social impact [email protected] 2nd Year Student 6. May Chien PreMBA: Information Systems + Social Entrepreneurship+ eCommerce PostMBA: High tech Application experience: resume & story telling in interview [email protected] 7. Nick (Te-Yen) Lee PreMBA: Medical Device PostMBA: Biotech/Pharma/MedDevice Strengths of application: Essay & Interview [email protected] 8. Alice Pai PreMBA: Healthcare Medical Device R&D and Pharmaceutical Clinical Drug Development PostMBA: Healthcare Marketing Full time & Internship: Baxter (Healthcare Marketing Development Program Intern) [email protected] 9. Jennifer Tseng PreMBA: Auditing & Corporate Finance (pre MBA); Telecom (post MBA) Full time & Internship: at&t Strengths of application : Interview [email protected] 10. Summer Wang PreMBA: Retail marketing PostMBA: tech product management [email protected] All the best from Durham, Duke University, The Fuqua School of Business --

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1F:推 yjchyan: 謝謝! 我想參加 [email protected] 11/21 14:10
2F:推 vikingss: 謝謝! 我想參加 [email protected] 11/23 00:11
3F:推 anrujuyu: 謝謝! 我想參加 [email protected] 11/23 01:09
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9F:推 dddaaa: 主辦人是正妹 11/24 01:33
10F:推 bluecopter: 我想參加 [email protected] 謝謝 11/25 18:24
11F:推 carefreeb: 感恩 我想報名參加 [email protected] 11/26 23:15
12F:推 sherry001: 謝謝分享~我想參加![email protected] 11/27 09:11
※ 編輯: DukeMBA (, 11/27/2014 15:44:04
13F:推 poanchen: 我也好想要去喔~~~~ 12/01 10:53
14F:推 peachyn: 謝謝, 麻煩了! [email protected] 12/03 00:36
15F:推 mickey780214: 我想參加,謝謝! [email protected] 12/03 20:23
16F:推 leewee: [email protected] 想參加~~謝謝! 12/04 21:40
17F:→ DukeMBA: Coffee Chat 報名網址: 12/05 11:12
18F:→ DukeMBA: 12/20(Sat) 7:00-9:30PM @蛙咖啡 松江店 12/05 11:13
※ 編輯: DukeMBA (, 12/19/2014 06:52:40

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