作者amyhong (蒙頭猛讀)
標題Re: [情報] Berkeley Haas coffee chat 1/6
時間Tue Jan 7 11:40:27 2014
Thanks for joining us for coffee chat yesterday. It's so happy to see many
enthusiastic pespective students interested in Haas. We look forward to seeing
more Taiwanese students join Haas vibrant community and experience the
energetic Bay Area culture.
If you have any follow up questions, please e-mail to Haas Student Ambassador
mail box:
[email protected]
Good luck everyone!
※ 引述《amyhong (蒙頭猛讀)》之銘言:
: Appreciate your attention to Berkeley Haas Taipei Coffee Chat. All the tickets
: are registered. However, if you are still interested but didn't sign up,
: please come. If there's no show, we can still let you in.
: A reminder to those sign up for the coffee chat. Berkeley Haas coffee chat
: is 7:30 this evening.
: Please try to arrive before 7:30 so that we can start on time.
: There will be no food provided on the spot. Please have some dinner beforehand.
: Look forward to seeing you all tonight!
: ※ 引述《amyhong (蒙頭猛讀)》之銘言:
: : Hi everyone interested in Berkeley Haas,
: : A few current students are heading back to Taiwan during winter break
: : and are happy to share our experince and answer questions.
: : Berkeley Haas is located in Bay Area, California where new ideas thrive.
: : San Francisco, the young and exciting city is within 30 minutes drive from
: : Berkeley. Berkeley Haas students enjoy close contact with innovative companies
: : like Google, Apple, Genentech, etc; GREAT weather, and the liberty atmosphere.
: : Join us on Jan 6 coffee chat, 2 days before the 2nd round application deadline.
: : We look forward to connecting with you.
: : Time: Jan 6th (Mon) 7:30 to 9:30 PM
: : Place:
: : 地下連雲
: : 台北市中正區連雲街4-5 號 B1
: : B1FNo.4-5, Lianyun St., Zhongzheng Dist Taipei, Taiwan 100
: : RSVP: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/taipei-coffee-chat-tickets-9870946266
: : Fee: $150 for venue fee
: : * This is a student initiate event without school sponsorship. We hope to see
: : more Taiwanese students in Haas.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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