作者ClearAdmit (ClearAdmit)
標題[情報] CA恭喜台灣MBA客戶創下最輝煌的錄取成績!
時間Sat Apr 13 17:43:04 2013
Dear CA Taiwanese MBA clients,
On behalf of CA, I want to extend our warmest congratulations to you
for delivering one of the best MBA admissions performances that Taiwan has
ever seen. With your hard work, dedication and courage during this past
application season, you earned unprecedented results such as 7 acceptances to
Wharton, 3 to Harvard, 7 more to Columbia and many more to other M7 and top
schools, destroying the myth that only very few Taiwanese applicants can get
into top schools due to admissions quotas.
To one particular Taiwanese client (you know who you are!), I cannot stress
enough how proud and honored I am to have worked with you and see you
accomplish something that is extremely rare even among the very best applicants
in the world – get accepted by all of the "Big Three": Stanford, Harvard and
Wharton, with MIT as a bonus!
It is our sincere hope that these results, and many other stellar ones this
year, will inspire more Taiwanese applicants to challenge for admissions to top
schools in future application seasons, and abandon the false belief that
locally raised and educated Taiwanese applicants cannot be admitted to elite
MBA programs. To those whose application process is not yet over, we will
continue to fight with you to the very end.
We will be back soon with updates on our new plans and services to help
Taiwanese applicants achieve even better results in the upcoming application
season. For now, let us take a moment to give the loudest round of cheers to
the well-deserved acceptances to the following schools by CA's Taiwanese
School No. of acceptances from Taiwan
Stanford 1
Harvard 3
Wharton 7
Columbia 7
Kellogg 4
Chicago 2
London Business School 3
Tuck 1
Haas 1
Yale 2
Ross 7
Cornell 3
Duke 2
McCombs 1
Georgetown 3
Emory 2
Kevin Chen
[email protected]
Senior Admissions Counselor, Clear Admit LLC (
Stanford Graduate School of Business, class of 2005
Harvard Kennedy School of Government, class of 2000
Princeton University, class of 1994
Previous work experiences: McKinsey; NBA; Reuters
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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2F:推 Moloch:純好奇..這些錄取的人應該有些是重複的吧?! 04/14 03:37
3F:→ Moloch:實際進入這些學校的人數應該是比上面的數字要少.... 04/14 03:39
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