作者nellycheer (nellycheer)
標題[面試] Johns Hopkins U. GMBA 面經
時間Tue Feb 26 01:16:54 2013
2013.02.07 via Skype
with Michael Cuneo,
應該已經看過resume,所以跳過introduce yourself這段。
1. From where did you hear Carey's name?
2. Why do you choose GMBA?
3. What is your current duty?
(Describe your favorite part and the worst part)
4. What is your future plan after graduation?
5. Leadership experience
6. Teamwork experience (persude others to do sth)
7. International experience
8. Your strength / weakness
9. What kind of role do you play in a team?
10.What do you like to do in your free time?
11. Any question?
在此謝謝Chest的分享,讓我面試前能更了解JHU GMBA。
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※ 編輯: nellycheer 來自: (02/26 01:18)