作者nellycheer (nellycheer)
標題[面試] George Washington University mba面經
時間Tue Feb 26 00:50:43 2013
2013.01.19 via Skype (apply for Round 2)
with Mr. Smith, Assistant Director of the admission team
1. Go through resume
2. Why GWU?
3. Why MBA?
4. Describe your career plan
5. Leadership experience
6. Some detailed questions related to your personal work experience
(ex: Why did you choose the job? Prolems of the decision made before?)
7. How do you persuade the admission team?
8. How can you contribute to the class?
9. How do you persuade future employers to hire you after graduation?
10. Other schools you apply for and why?
11. Where do you want to work after graduation? In U.S. or back to Asia?
12. Other questions?
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※ 編輯: nellycheer 來自: (02/26 00:51)
※ 編輯: nellycheer 來自: (02/26 00:51)