作者MonkMaxwell (噗)
標題[情報] UW華盛頓大學 Foster MBA info session
時間Tue Aug 7 12:09:26 2012
University of Washington - Seattle 華盛頓大學 Foster School of Business
MBA Information Session and Application Workshop in Taipei
8/25/12 14:00-16:00 @ W Taipei "Wired" Business Center meeting room
Meet Andy Chen, Assistant Director of MBA Admissions, as he provides an
introduction to the Foster MBA program and overview of the application process.
2:00-2:30pm Introduction of school and program
2:30-3:00pm Admissions workshop
3:00-4:00pm Q&A
請線上登記, 名額有限要搶要快!
這是UW Foster第一次在台灣辦info session, 機會難得, 建議對有意願至美西求學的朋
友都可考慮參加, 處在西雅圖這個好山好水好地方, UW在西北地區的在地深耕, 和
Microsoft, Amazon, Starbucks, T-mobile等Seattle-base的公司都關係密切即是它最大
身為即將邁入第二年的current student, 我非常喜歡UW Foster MBA和西雅圖的環境, 如
果真的無法到場參加的朋友, 也歡迎寫email給我們兩個在校生!
Stephanie: stephc05 @ uw.edu
Kyle: kylewang @ uw.edu
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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