大家好!CA最近完成了一系列的MBA Adcom Directors一對一專訪,在這幾個星期內會把 所有專訪的內容公佈在我們的網站上。我們也會在PTT這裡PO每個專訪的小片段(因為整 個訪問內容太長不方便全部PO,請見諒!)。 一旦我們在CA網站上公佈所有內容, 一定 會跟大家update. 現在, 請先看專訪系列的下一位訪問對象: London Business School Associate Director: David Simpson (DS) CA: What's the single most exciting development, change or event happening at LBS this coming year? DS: There has been a lot going on at the school, so I have a lot to talk about. We are very progressive in terms of looking at where we want to go and how we can have an impact on the way the world does business. We have spent the past year or so as an institution exploring our own values and what makes us special and unique. Together we have all examined what we all love about this place, what makes it tick and what we really stand for. The greatest development this year at London Business School has been the focus on reviews to our MBA and Master's in Finance programs. At regular periods we look closely at all our programs, taking time to appreciate what works really well and what we should be offering our students to give them a well-rounded global business education. Top programs have to adapt and change constantly. Last year, the program directors and senior faculty had the major job of looking at the MBA and making some changes to it. This year is the turn of the Master's in Finance. The MBA changes are being rolled out for the first year class now. What we have tried to do is organize and structure our learning into key themes, creating an overarching structure that will flow through in a sequence to help our students learn in the most effective way. One early highlight of the program is the Leadership Launch right at the beginning. This is really about students taking a look at themselves and reflecting on what they have done so far and how they want to develop. In the first year of the program, the themes are based around analytical frameworks designed to let students build their skills, knowledge and insight. In the first term we are focusing on tools and techniques – accounting, finance, economics, etc. The second term is focused more on managing the organization with courses like marketing, operations and strategy. The third term we have entitled “Engaging with the World.” It involves looking at organizations in a global context and includes more practical application courses. Finally, we have also added a new course to the first year – a business, government and society course that looks at ethics, corporate social responsibility and regulation in government. In this course we have gathered together some pre-existing areas and built on them. Having that within the first year shows our commitment to business and society and the fact that we want our students to make a real difference and have a profound, positive impact on the way they are doing business. In the second year, the focus changes to become a lot more personal. It's about developing the leadership and organizational skills to become a true leader. Students in their second year can choose from lots of electives. (We are currently carrying out a review of our elective portfolio – nothing stands still in this place!) We have added new elements that extend further our already impressive focus on global business. This will take the form of a compulsory, week-long international assignment that will entail spending time in a different country. Students will go out in groups on a week-long assignment, at the end of which they will produce a substantial piece of written work. Of course, students can also still choose to go on international exchange, just as they always could. That’s a huge part of our offering. Our MBA students also have to take a second language. There are many other elements of the program that are designed to enhance its global nature. Integrating learning with practical, global experience is a powerful part of the London Business School MBA. Global Business Experiences form a key part of the second year. Accompanied by members of faculty, groups of students will be travelling to destinations such as China, India, Turkey, the United States and South Africa to work in small teams completing projects and gaining insight into international business practices, visiting a number of leading and interesting companies. The portfolio of assignments has been designed to offer a choice of both location and theme, allowing students to tailor assignments to their own interests and development needs. All these global elements highlight our commitment to developing future global business leaders. To leverage the fact that we are based in an amazing city we ensure that students have every opportunity to make the most of London. We have launched London Talks and London Business Experiences, where we get high-profile business people to come in and talk about what they are doing. These and the London fieldwork experiences are about doing more with the fact that we are right in the heart of this fantastic global business center. The current MBA class visited Chelsea Football Club, Saatchi and Saatchi and The Bank of England. We are building in new opportunities every year to really leverage our central London location, which I personally think is fantastic. We strive to ensure that our profile is extremely high in London, as it is all around the world. We have also added an LBS case competition. We found that students were entering lots of case competitions around the world and doing very well, so we decided to add our own case competition to the program. It will involve reviewing a case study and highlighting strategic challenges faced by real global companies. The case competition will take place toward the end of the second year, bringing us into Capstone, which is the finale of the program. Finally, we have retained the incredibly popular flexible exit points. So students can opt for a 15-, 18-, or 21-month route through the program. Our world leading Master's in Finance program is undergoing a curriculum review this year which will focus on specialism's in key areas of finance. For pre-experience candidates our Master's in Management goes from strength to strength. And for more experienced managers our Executive MBA runs intakes in both London and Dubai. Our EMBA-Global Americas & Europe and EMBA-Global Asia programs, run in conjunction with Columbia Business School and Hong Kong University, give a very special group of outstanding people the opportunity to study across continents, alongside their global careers. Finally our Sloan Masters in Leadership and Strategy shapes today's senior executives to become tomorrow's effective leaders. So much has been changing in these last few months in the master's degree programs area. It has been an absolutely fantastic period to work at the school. I haven't even had a chance to mention all the innovation taking place in our Executive Education business! Stay tuned for more interview excerpts from the admissions directors of other top MBA programs! Best, Kevin [email protected] --------------------------------- Kevin Chen Senior Admissions Counselor, Clear Admit LLC ( Stanford Graduate School of Business, class of 2005 Harvard Kennedy School of Government, class of 2000 Princeton University, class of 1994 Previous work experiences: McKinsey; NBA; Reuters --

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