大家好!CA最近完成了一系列的MBA Adcom Directors一對一專訪,在這幾個星期內會把 所有專訪的內容公佈在我們的網站上。我們也會在PTT這裡PO每個專訪的小片段(因為整 個訪問內容太長不方便全部PO,請見諒!)。 一旦我們在CA網站上公佈所有內容, 一定 會跟大家update. 現在, 請先看專訪系列的第一位訪問對象: Michigan Ross Admissions Director Soojin Kwon (SK) CA: Walk us through the life of an application in your office from an operational standpoint. What happens between the time an applicant clicks "submit" and the time the committee offers a final decision (e.g., how many "reads" does it get, how long is each "read," who reads it, does the committee convene to discuss it as a group, etc.)? SK: When we first receive an application, we evaluate an applicant's academic record (i.e., undergraduate GPA, institution, major; GMAT/GRE score; and, for non-native English speakers, the TOEFL/IELTS score) and an applicant's professional experience. The rationale for assessing these two elements first is that we want to have a relatively high degree of confidence that the applicant can be academically successful in our rigorous program and will have knowledge and experience to contribute to class discussions and team projects. All applications are moved on for a second, more comprehensive review which considers all of the elements of the application – work experience, transcripts, test scores, essays and recommendations. Some applicants will be invited to interview prior to the completion of the second read. Others will be invited to interview after the second read is complete. Yet others will move on to a review by an associate director without an interview. Interview invitations are extended in batches rather than on a rolling basis to alleviate the stress of waiting for an invitation to come "any day" between application submission and decision notification. We have had two to three batches per round since we started this process. I try to announce the interview notification dates in advance, once we know what the volume looks like. The timing of an interview invitation (first batch or later) isn't an indicator of an applicant's likelihood of admission. In other words, an applicant invited in the first batch doesn't have a "higher chance" of being admitted. Next, the whole file, including the interview report, is evaluated by our associate directors who make preliminary decisions on each candidate. All decisions are then reviewed by the senior associate director, then the admissions director, and finally, the associate dean for graduate programs. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hope this helps! Stay tuned for more interview excerpts from the admissions directors of other top MBA programs! Best, Kevin [email protected] --------------------------------- Kevin Chen Senior Admissions Counselor, Clear Admit LLC ( Stanford Graduate School of Business, class of 2005 Harvard Kennedy School of Government, class of 2000 Princeton University, class of 1994 Previous work experiences: McKinsey; NBA; Reuters --

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