作者ClearAdmit (ClearAdmit)
標題Re: [問題] About Ranking
時間Fri Apr 13 12:44:51 2012
Hi Janice, MBA adcoms will not ask you for your school's ranking because there
is no such thing as a formal ranking of universities, in any country. The
adcoms will have a general impresson of how good a university is - for
example, it definitely is an advantage to be from NTU - and unfortunately it
will be somewhat of a disadvantage if you went to a school that does not
have a well-known international reputation. But, again, the adcoms will not
be asking for your university's ranking. There are plenty of Taiwanese
applicants who are not NTU grads but still get into top MBA programs, just
like there are plenty of American applicants who are not Ivy League grads but
still get into top MBA programs. Ultimately, business schools care more about
your professional accomplishments than your academic accomplishments.
Hope this helps! Good luck!
※ 引述《JaniceTsai (new life)》之銘言:
: ※ [本文轉錄自 studyabroad 看板 #1FXvjzoW ]
: 作者: JaniceTsai (new life) 看板: studyabroad
: 標題: [問題] About Ranking
: 時間: Fri Apr 13 11:20:27 2012
: 請跟大家請教一個問題
: 目前工作一段時間了 想要申請國外大學的碩士班(MBA mainly)
: 問題是大學的排名很差 大概: 35/40
: 不過GPA算不錯 還有3.5/4
: 想請問是否所有的學校都須要提供ranking?
: 還是只要提供GPA就好了?
: 亦或是Ranking可以自己選擇提供或不提供?
: 還煩請解惑 謝謝
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