作者uglyy (FIASCO)
標題[問題] ross r2 call
時間Tue Mar 13 22:38:21 2012
anyone n TW got a call yesterday or today?
the anxiety is really driving me crazy...especially during a business trip...
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 toughroleX:五分鐘前收到AD! 03/15 01:31
2F:推 Dural:恭喜樓上!!!! 03/15 02:09
3F:推 toughroleX:多謝! 03/16 00:09
4F:→ uglyy:喔喔~出差中的我也收到啦!沒有獎學金,toughrolex you? 03/16 04:31
5F:推 Yumeine:Big Big Congrats to you both! 03/16 06:43
6F:推 toughroleX:email沒有提到我想就先當作沒有囉 03/16 09:38
7F:→ toughroleX:不過我之前Olin也是EMAIL沒有但是紙本文件有寫$60,000 03/16 09:39
8F:噓 granny:恭喜啊!請問R2 的deposit deadline 是何時?I'm on WL... 03/20 10:06
9F:推 granny:Sorry用手機版ptt,不會操作上一篇問不小心按到噓。推才對! 03/20 10:09
10F:→ uglyy:應該是五月左右,收到再來update 03/21 09:35