作者idoknow (Work Harder !!)
標題Re: [轉錄][情報] 9/17(週六) 哥倫比亞商學院- Cof …
時間Wed Sep 7 07:34:46 2011
Dear all,
Sorry we already received full registration.
We will take waitlist and keep you posted.
Thank you again for your interest!
※ 引述《jellybean50 (jellybean)》之銘言:
: ※ [本文轉錄自 studyabroad 看板 #1EPE9oCm ]
: 作者: idoknow (Work Harder !!) 看板: studyabroad
: 標題: [情報] 9/17(週六) 哥倫比亞商學院- Coffee Chat
: 時間: Mon Sep 5 22:53:33 2011
: 對有興趣申請MBA的同學們大家好:
: 我們是哥倫比亞商學院的校友,將於9/17(六) 2:30pm~4:00pm於日安Kaffa舉辦
: coffee chat。不同於校方的正式說明會(將於十一月中旬舉辦),我們希望透過
: 比較輕鬆對談的方式讓大家進一步了解Columbia Business School。我們將會在
: 現場分享申請過程,在校的生活點滴,求職經驗,以及回答各項關於CBS的問題。
: 對各位來說這是一個了解CBS並和校友及其他申請者交流的好機會,歡迎各位報名參加!
: 時間:9/17/2011 週六 2:30PM ~ 4:00PM
: 地點:日安Kaffa (台北市南京東路三段303巷24號,南京東路捷運站步行約三分鐘)
: 請至以下的網址報名:
: http://0rz.tw/0Qtem
: (由於場地座位有限,人數限制為36人)
: 如有任何疑問請聯絡Jeffrey Wu [email protected]
: Dear prospective students,
: As the alumnus of the Columbia Business School, we would like to
: invite you to join us for a coffee chat on 9/17 in Taipei. Unlike the
: official information session (which will be hosted in mid-November),
: we wanted to showcase the school and share our experiences of CBS in a
: casual setting. Come ask your burning questions about the program and
: life as a CBS MBA student, and network with other prospective
: students. We look forward to seeing you there!
: Time:9/17/2011 Saturday 2:30PM ~ 4:00PM
: Place:日安Kaffa (台北市南京東路三段303巷24號,
: 3 min walking from Nanking E Rd MRT Station)
: Please RSVP via the below link:
: http://0rz.tw/0Qtem
: (limited to 36 signups only)
: Please email Jeffrey Wu at [email protected] if you have any questions!
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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※ 編輯: idoknow 來自: (09/07 07:49)