作者ClearAdmit (ClearAdmit)
標題Re: [問題] 關於career gap
時間Sat Sep 3 02:23:40 2011
※ 引述《askMBA (PTT_MBA)》之銘言:
: 因為之前公司走了一堆人一人抵三人工作太忙
: 實在分身乏術 最後只好辭職專心準備GMAT/TOEFL
: 但累積下來也差不多快要半年的career gap
: 想請教關於career gap這個棘手的問題
: 是否需要在optional essay上多作解釋呢?
: 之前聽過很多人說adcom對於career gap會有比較負面的態度
: 但又有出國留過學的同事叫我不用擔心 adcom多少可以理解
: 到底針對career gap該如何做比較委婉的潤飾呢?
In general, adcoms want applicants to explain career gaps of six months or
longer. Some schools actually specify in their applications how long the gap
needs to be to require an explanation. For those that do not specify, you
should address gaps that are six months or longer in the optional essay.
However, it would be best NOT to say that you quit your job to study for the
GMAT/prepare for applications, as adcoms do not think that's a legitimate
reason and expect applicants to be able to work and apply to schools at the
same time - remember, applicants from companies like Goldman Sachs and
McKinsey regularly work 80+ hours a week and still are able to prepare fully
for their applications. So, in your optional essay, rather than citing GMAT
or applications as the reason, you should focus on how you have used the time
away from work to continue to build your skillsets in other productive ways.
Hope this helps! Good luck.
Kevin Chen
Clear Admit
[email protected]
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1F:推 nonname1028:Thanks for sharing~~ 09/03 11:51