In case you missed it, Harvard Business School (HBS) Dean of Admissions Dee Leopold provided an array of miscellaneous updates regarding the admissions process in a post to her Director’s Blog last week. Included was new information about transcripts, class visits and upcoming events, as well as information that Leopold feels bears repeating with regard to letters of recommendation. There has been a change this admissions season at HBS as far as transcripts are concerned, Leopold reminded prospective applicants. “We are requiring that all transcripts be uploaded this year,” she wrote. That means no more templates for applicants to fill in their grades. The shift is intended to make verification after admission easier for HBS. “Yes, you can scan and upload,” Leopold wrote. She also called attention to the fact that there are still a couple of remaining information sessions in Boston, Los Angeles and several international cities for prospective applicants hoping to learn more about HBS and the admissions process. These events, like others that have preceded them, will feature student and alumni panels, time for Q&A about admissions and more. Leopold apologized that it is still hard to secure a spot for class visits despite the fact that HBS has opened up second-year classes to visitors for the first time this year. “I wish it were easier,” she wrote. “If you find yourself closed out of a class, it still may be worthwhile visiting. We’ll have information sessions led by the Admissions Board, tours led by students and lots of places you can wander and strike up conversations with students. And really good food.” The news on recommendations is old. Leopold simply wanted to reassure prospective applicants that HBS does not require recommendations from current supervisors. “If it’s possible, we strongly advise it. If it’s not, just drop a brief explanation in the ‘additional information’ section of the application,” she wrote. She went on to add that though they don’t ask for a peer rec, she acknowledges that they can be very important in some cases, such as when you’re trying to tell the admissions committee about a venture you started in college or beyond. Finally, for applicants who work for family businesses, Leopold advised making your best call on how to handle it. “It’ s rare that your mom or dad can be objective (although I’ve certainly seen a few VERY frank ones!) so you’ll need to explore other options,” she wrote. But she stressed that HBS likes having the family business perspective in the classroom, so applicants in this position should not let it deter them. In closing, Leopold challenged herself to add a new feature to her blog entries, namely a weekly interview with a current student, perhaps alternating between first and second years. “I’m going to be interviewing one person each week on Thursday at 10 p.m. and asking about their day… and what’s ahead between now and bedtime,” she wrote. The interviews will be posted on Fridays starting in mid-September. We look forward to them! Kevin Chen Clear Admit --

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