作者Orange0928 (賈奈特)
標題[面試] Case Western Reserve University Phone Interview
時間Fri May 13 21:59:39 2011
Case Western Reserve University Weatherhead MBA phone interview
5/13 9:00pm-9:30pm
1.walk me through your work and why MBA now?
2.What is your short term and long term goal?
3.Why Weatherhead MBA?
4.What do think the Weatherhead MBA program can help you to reach the goal?
(因為我有提到兩個專門的課程 就說課程的特性如何幫助我達成目標)
5.What's your teamwork experience? What attitude will you be in a team?
What way will you do in a team?
6.What kind of leadership do you think is better? What leader do you admire?
7.What do you do in your spare time?
8.any question?
5月還有面試其實很少見 是想分享給之後有需要的人
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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