作者candicelee (Candice)
標題[自介] MBA版自介 (Candice Lee)
時間Mon Apr 18 23:24:27 2011
1. ID: Candicelee
2. Current Status: MBA applicant
3. Schools Applied:
Kellogg R2: accepted (interview with alum)
Umich (Ross) R1: accepted with scholarship (interview with alum)
Cornell (Johnson) R2: accepted with scholarship (interview with alum)
Dartmouth R2: WL (interview with admissions)
INSEAD R2: rejected w/o interview
CBS ED: rejected w/o interview
4. Pre-MBA Work experience:
3 yrs private banking in Taipei & HK, 2 yrs international trading
in family biz
5. Pst-MBA experience: N/A
6. GMAT: 690
TOEFL: 109
GPA: 3.77 @ NCCU IT
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:→ akainorei:強者 (不過選校你要頭痛了XD 三校給你選阿) 04/18 23:26
2F:推 whasup:恭喜!!! 04/18 23:38
3F:推 kkara:恭喜!!!! 04/18 23:58
4F:推 clarkchang:恭喜!如果有Kellogg的問題,歡迎來信 04/19 00:10
5F:推 bensonn:推~~~ 04/19 00:27
6F:推 likukarei:推推~ 04/19 01:26
7F:推 smallwo:不推不行 04/19 01:51
8F:推 kkevinn:當然是基落阿 M7ㄝ!!!! 04/19 08:26
9F:推 wicl:恭喜!! 強者! 04/19 10:01
10F:推 shoop:超強的!!恭喜! 04/19 13:38
11F:推 stom:恭喜學姐~~~~ 04/19 15:36
12F:推 verbalk:太強大了! 04/19 22:38
13F:推 surfingdream:近期版上好幾個不到700上 M7, 恭喜了! 04/19 23:03
14F:推 tootoobenee:congrat!!! 04/19 23:23
15F:推 IamNoTaStaR:Congrats! 04/19 23:44
16F:→ candicelee:謝謝大家~希望能幫到更多想出國的台灣學生!:) 04/20 00:11
17F:→ manchin:Candy實在太厲害了! 高雄的朋友有問題可以多請教他 :P 04/20 18:42