作者chester520 (chester)
標題[自介] MBA版自介 (Chester)
時間Mon Apr 11 02:01:20 2011
1. ID: chester520
2. Current Status: MBA applicant
3. Schools Applied:
CBS R1: denied (w/o interview)
Duke R1: denied (w/o interview)
Kellogg R1 : denied (after interview)
MIT R1 : waitlisted (after interview)
NYU R1: admitted (from waiting list)
4. Pre-MBA Work Experience: 3.5 years at a textile trading company.
5. Post-MBA Work Experience: None
6. GMAT : 740 (V40, Q50)
TOEFL: 109
GPA: super low GPA @ Soochow University BA
7. What information you are interested to know in this board?
8. Others:
申請的路上受到了很多貴人的幫助, 沒有這些人的幫忙, 我想我也不可能拿到AD.
另外也很感謝版主創立這個版, 讓我們這些抱著MBA夢的人可以有一個獲得資訊
祝大家都能夠申請到自己的dream school!!
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 bensonn:推推推!!!! 04/11 02:02
2F:推 shoop:超級恭喜你的!!! You deserve it! 04/11 02:07
3F:推 shoop:祝你MIT也有好消息囉~ 04/11 02:10
4F:推 IamNoTaStaR:congrats 04/11 02:47
5F:推 giornooo:Congrats! 04/11 03:41
6F:推 mosqui:恭喜你 學弟 04/11 07:28
7F:推 sam121:推 同校 04/11 10:13
8F:推 loren0221:big con! It's a great school! 04/11 10:31
9F:推 Orange0928:恭喜!! 04/11 14:52
10F:推 ilish:congrats! 04/11 15:14
11F:推 smallwo:一定要推一下的啦 04/11 19:14
12F:推 EvenStar:好強!!! 04/11 19:38
13F:推 kernnel:恭喜啦!!!!! 04/11 20:04
14F:→ tootoobenee:Congrat!! 04/12 00:09
15F:推 manchin:Buddy, you are the MVP. Proud of you! 04/12 00:15
16F:→ manchin:But why do you have the post MBA work experience? XD 04/12 00:16
17F:推 bensonn:I have the same question.... haha!! 04/12 00:18
18F:→ chester520:夢裡已經做了哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈!!! 04/12 00:32
※ 編輯: chester520 來自: (04/12 00:34)
19F:推 scuhans:scu推一個 04/12 07:34
20F:→ gooderr:congrats!!!!!!!!!!!! 04/14 16:53
21F:推 dj00648:好屌 SCU之光 一定要推一下 04/28 23:31