作者danerd (danerd)
標題Re: [問題] 密西根 or 康乃爾
時間Wed Mar 23 13:04:49 2011
1. What are your post MBA goals?
Consulting -> Ross (MAP plus recruiter stats in M/B/B, enough said)
Finance -> Cornell (Close proximity to New York plus larger alumi nework)
2. Where do you plan on moving to?
Asia/Europe -> Cornell (Better brand recognition plus larger network)
US -> Ross (Stronger and tighter alumni network in North America)
3. What kind of student life appeals to you?
State school with strong football and student driven culture -> Ross
Ivy league preppy atmosphere in the middle of nowhere -> Cornell
Lots more factors to consider, again it all depends on your preferences and
future goals. If you can clarify them I think people can give more helpful
suggestions. :)
In my opinion, regardless of how much money schools give, if they cannot help
you achieve your goals (long, short term), that money is worthless in the long
※ 引述《ningko (天氣很冷說)》之銘言:
: 首先, 我要先承認自己非常非常的幸運....
: 我非常幸運的今天收到康乃爾獎學金消息
: 學校給我一年3萬塊, 兩年6萬塊美金的獎學金
: 在這之前
: 我其實是差不多確定要去密西跟了
: 可是康乃爾這筆獎學金金額
: 讓我有點動搖
: 如果先撇開錢的話
: 請問你們會認為哪個比較好一點
: 又若是考慮整體
: 則是哪一個選擇?
: 我以後打算去待英國
: 有些朋友建議我去康乃爾, 因為他在歐洲的名氣
: 有些朋友則建議密西根, 因為他排名比較好一點點
: 我自己是覺得top 10, 15, 20 沒有差很多
: 喜歡密西根完全是因為校風
: 但是康乃爾這筆大錢
: 卻又讓我整個動搖....
: 感謝
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
※ 編輯: danerd 來自: (03/23 13:05)
1F:→ danerd:Oh congrats, by the way! 我還真沒禮貌 -.-" 03/23 13:06
2F:推 ningko:非常非常感謝D大這樣的分析 :) 鄉民果然是溫暖的 03/23 13:22
3F:推 surfingdream:校風也不太一樣,不妨找校友聊聊 03/23 22:34