作者danerd (danerd)
標題[面試] NYU Stern Interview Invite
時間Tue Mar 15 09:53:10 2011
上個禮拜接到面試通知. 可能因為有綠卡的關係所以並沒有像之前收到面試的台灣同胞
For all of those waiting, I totally know how much it sucks. To provide more transparency, here's some information that will hopefully help:
The bad news:
All March interview slots have been taken.
The good news:
There's a ton of interview slots in April
What it means for R2 applicants?
I've called Stern and they said that since they do rolling admissions, getting interviewed in April after the R2 decision date doesn't mean getting pushed to R3 (she said there is no concept of "rounds" for Stern). For those who have not heard back before 4/1, you will either get a waitlist or ding. Waitlisted candidates will have a chance to get invited to an interview, but this doesn't mean you are in R3. Again, she said there's no concept of rounds for admitting people. They just admit on a rolling
basis all the way till before class starts.
On-campus interview slots (not including off-site)
March: 0 days, 0 slots
April: 11 days, 30-40 time slots (I didn't count, too many)
I believe 1 time slot consists multiple interview slots. After I took my time slot, it was still available for another candidate to grab.
Also called Stern and they said they will open up the student lunch and class visit slots for April next week.
Good luck and stay optimistic!
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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※ 編輯: danerd 來自: (03/15 10:12)
1F:推 shoop:恭喜!!!你真的很強耶~ 03/15 10:29
2F:推 airturtle23:加油,NYU面試是出名的dynamic,要多準備who you are 03/15 12:45