叮叮叮叮叮~ 恭喜被admit的人. 至於被waitlist的人, 去年有19個人從472人的waitlist中升級 (4%) 你覺得Haas的application很囉唆嗎? 看看他們要waitlist的人做多少功課 - 難搞! Your application for admission to the Berkeley MBA Program is being held for further consideration. We find your strengths and accomplishments are more impressive than the majority of our applicants, however, the highly competitive nature of our admission process is such that we are unable to offer admission to more than a small percentage of our applicants at this time. We would like to continue your candidacy by offering you a place on the waitlist. As a waitlisted candidate, you are able to submit additional materials for your application, provided that these materials add new information. There are many things that you can do to enhance your candidacy: 1) We strongly encourage you to schedule an interview if you have not already had one as a part of the admissions process. In addition to interviewing on campus, you may also schedule an interview in other cities around the US and the world. To request an interview, please use the Interview Scheduler link available on the Status Report page of your online application. (NOTE: You will not be able to schedule an interview until you first accept a place on our waitlist by following the directions below.) 2) If your GMAT or TOEFL scores fall below our averages, you may wish to retake the test and forward an unofficial score (followed by your official score) to the admissions office. 3) If you feel you have not sufficiently demonstrated quantitative ability to the Admissions Committee, as shown by your undergraduate and graduate level coursework and by the quantitative subscore on the GMAT, you may wish to enroll in a statistics or calculus course at a local college, retake the GMAT, or do both. 4) You may provide an additional letter of recommendation (or two) to your file, if the letter will add information that was not provided in the original letters submitted. New letters may be submitted in hard copy or electronically. To request a new online recommendation, you must enter the Recommendations section of your online application and provide the requested information regarding your new recommender. (NOTE: You will not be able to request a new online recommendation until you first accept a place on our waitlist by following the directions below.) 5) You may submit a new statement (via mail, fax, or email) updating the Admissions Committee on any relevant changes in your professional or personal life since your application was submitted. 6) Check your status on-line <> to see if there are additional materials needed before a final decision can be made on your application. If so, now is the time for you to provide those materials to the Admissions Office. Please note that we do not rank our waitlist. We periodically review all waitlisted candidates, so you may receive a final decision from us as early as April or as late as August. While we regret that we cannot be more encouraging at this time, please be assured that only a highly select group of qualified applicants is offered a place on our waitlist. To accept a place on the waitlist, please respond to this email as soon as possible. If we do not hear from you by Wednesday, March 16, we will assume that you are no longer interested in being considered for admission, and your application will be withdrawn. As noted above, you will not be able to schedule an interview or request a new online recommendation until you accept a place on the waitlist. After we receive your response, it will take us one business day to update our database so that you can schedule your interview and/or request your new online recommendation. To address any questions or concerns you may have, our admissions directors will be hosting an online chat with waitlisted candidates on Monday, March 7 at 4:00pm Pacific Time. To enter the chat, visit We highly recommend testing your browser prior to the chat by following the link and logging in. Please plan to login promptly to participate in the full chat session. We appreciate your interest in the Berkeley MBA and your patience with the application process. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the admissions office directly at 510-642-1405. --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(
◆ From:
1F:→ danerd:居然可以WL幾乎是班級人數兩倍的人數, 太貪心了吧? 03/04 08:02
2F:推 clarkchang:表示前年他們的yield rate很低,導致去年給了這麼多WL 03/04 08:11
3F:推 gooderr:這也真的太太難搞了吧@@"" 03/04 09:34
4F:推 airturtle23:恭喜樓主!這不是ding!週三前要趕快回這封信,不然WL會 03/04 10:25
5F:→ airturtle23:被移除!樓主面試過了嗎?如果沒面試過可以趕快安排. 03/04 10:26
6F:→ airturtle23:這信其實是制式的,不外乎是幾項routine check:GMAT,T 03/04 10:28
7F:→ airturtle23:有沒有低於平均,有的話趕快重考;有沒有展現計量能力? 03/04 10:29
8F:→ airturtle23:大學有沒有修過微積分或統計?AT裡的Q夠不夠高?不夠的 03/04 10:30
9F:→ airturtle23:話趕快到大學去修課(尤其是非商業背景);有沒有新推薦 03/04 10:31
10F:→ airturtle23:人?若有新面向或新資訊可以提交,若先前推薦人都講了就 03/04 10:32
11F:→ airturtle23:不用;最近有沒有升遷?或是業餘活動有新突破或新領悟? 03/04 10:33
12F:→ airturtle23:有的話可以提交一份statement.大致就這樣 03/04 10:33
13F:→ airturtle23:然後要常常刷status,因為隨時可能被扶正.三月七號西岸 03/04 10:36
14F:→ airturtle23:時間下午四點有WL online chat. 趕快回覆這封信!! 03/04 10:37
15F:推 shoop:這應該還是要恭喜一下!!! 好強 03/04 11:01
16F:→ danerd:哈哈~您誤會了,那封信是別人收到轉貼的 03/04 12:34
17F:推 shoop:Haas真的好挑 忽然覺得Vivi Weng好強... -_- 03/06 22:16

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