作者shoop (我要專心)
標題[申請] How to choose schools?
時間Wed Feb 23 16:34:03 2011
作者為願景代辦Envision的Mark Hsu,但是事先聲明三點:
Q. How to choose schools?
A. Despite the availability of information on the Internet,
I still find Taiwanese students are still at a loss when choosing
an MBA program.
There are various publications ranking business school,
but I would suggest sticking with Business Week and the Financial Times.
Also, I'd say the rankings (as perceived by recruiters) do not change with time.
Basically, I'd divide the US schools into three groups:
I. HBS/Stanford/Wharton/Kellogg/Columbia/MIT/Chicago
II. Berkeley, Duke, Cornell, Yale, UCLA, Tuck, Michigan, NYU, Virginia
III CMU/UNC/Emory/USC/Austin
On the bubble: Georgetown/Indiana/Olin
Finance Schools (If you want to work in Asia):
1. Wharton 2. Chicago 3.Columbia 4. NYU 5. MIT
There is no doubt in my mind that Wharton is the #1 school if you
want to do Finance in Asia. It seems to me that half of the people
in investment banking in HK are from Wharton.
Based on my observations, finance in Asia is very prestige driven
so if your interest is in finance, your best option is to go to the
"core" finance schools.
To get into consulting, shoot for groups I & II. I don't think consulting
is as picky as investment banks. It seems to me that consulting firms value
"raw intelligence" more than past experience. I am not saying that to work
in IB you don't need to be smart, but not having prior experience in IB/finance
is a definite liability.
Corporate (staying in the US):
I'd say that if your intention is to stay in the US, then almost any of
the aforementioned schools would fit your needs.
To stay in the US, you'd (most likely) need to accept a middle/back office role.
If the three career paths don't sound appealing to you, you gotta seriously
reconsider why you want to spend so much money on an MBA.
Q. Why male admissions are only less than 1/3 of female admissions?
In all top business schools there is a huge imbalance of men vs. women.
So, a qualified woman spplicant has an advantage in the sense that she
adds diversity to a class. Taiwanese women have an additional advantage
being international students so in a way she scores two "points," one for
being a woman and another for being international.
I'd say to the Taiwanese men out there, this is just the reality of the
situation so don't be upset at something you can't change.
Are Tw women more qualified than Tw men? Obviously, this is difficult to
answer. Let me frame my answer this way, in the context of MBA applications
I'd answer "yes." Let me identify a few reasons why I think this way.
1. Military. Most Tw men must fulfill their compulsory military service.
This impacts the men in many ways. One example is that many men do a graduate
degree to avoid immediate military service. The additional 2-3 years of
graduate school hurt their career progress immensely because it pushes back
when a Tw man can get meaningful full-time employment and because (in my
opinion) a graduate degree obtained in Tw does not add to an applicant's
credentials and CAN in fact hurt an applicant. (Blame this
on the stupid Taiwanese universities that call every degree that the
business school grants an "MBA." ) Add to this fact that many in Tw perceive
"30" to be a ticking time bomb so rather than work a bit longer, many men feel
that they have to leave the country before they turn 3-0 and rush into the MBA.
2. English. I have met many Tw women who can speak English at near-native
fluency. I have not met many men who can do this. Based on my own data, I think
the % of female applicants who get interviews and the % of male applicants who
get interviews are actually similar. However, when we look at male applicants
the number of admissions as a percentage of applicants who interviewed is
significantlly lower than the percentage found in the female pool.
This leads me to believe that the difference in English abilities is also a
differentiating factor. I believe the degree of spoken English has a strong
correlation with other attributes that are associated with admission success,
such as the number of women vs. men who work at a multinational (MNC) and
also degree of open-mindedness.
3. Degree of Westernization: This is often an overlooked part of the
application especially among applicants to top schools. For a program
outside of the top 15-20, an applicant can usually hide behind a phone
interview, but for a top program where an alumni interview or worse yet,
an adcom interview is required, there is no hiding. Not only is your
English closely scrutinized, but your whole presence, including the way
you dress, your hair style and how you carry yourself, is under a microscope.
Now for the last part of the question: what can Tw men do to better their
I actually think it's not so bad to be a Tw man and let me explain why.
Don't think it's the boys vs the girls. It's not. After knowing some of
the Tw girls that were admitted to top 15 programs, I would hate to be in
the women's pool. In the women's pool, getting a 280 on the TOEFL would
only be considered fair. Instead, focus on being the best male applicant
in Taiwan.
Develop your own BLUE OCEAN STRATEGY.
Do less GMAT, more TOEFL
Instead of spending 12 months cramming for the GMAT and trying to push
your score to 760, I'd instead focus on English.
Just think to yourself how many times you have seen someone asking
"Is my TOEFL 243 enough?" on this board. You don't think the adcom knows
that something fishy is happening in China and Taiwan? My point is how b
elievable is a GMAT 700+ if the applicant can't get a good TOEFL score?
Imagine, if you are a male applicant and have a 280 on the TOEFL, you can
essentially "cross your legs and twirl your mustache" (this has to be in
Taiwanese for it to be funny) because you would stand out instantly from
your peers.
So in a word, I'd say "English."
國家研究院 > 法律財經研究院 > MBA版 歡迎你!!
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◆ From:
1F:→ shoop:大家如果有什麼不同的看法也歡迎提出阿~ex.他說的less GMAT 02/23 16:38
2F:→ shoop:more TOEFL 02/23 16:39
3F:推 tsai18:只覺得不管是G還是T都不如Essay來的重要 02/25 01:36
4F:推 clarkchang:他的意思是說,AT是個門檻,過了700後邊際效益很低 02/25 02:34
5F:→ clarkchang:不如提升你的托福,可以證明你的聽、說的能力 02/25 02:34
6F:→ clarkchang:當然沒有700的話,Top Tier學校會很難進 02/25 02:35
7F:推 topscore123:Mark分析的真的很一針見血!很多朋友是用願璟的而且 03/04 01:09
8F:→ topscore123:這些朋友本身經歷就很強..強+願景=ads是我觀察到的 03/04 01:09