作者tornedo (早安您好 天天開心)
標題[自介] MBA版自介 (tornedo)
時間Mon Feb 14 02:22:59 2011
1. ID: tornedo (Jacqueline)
2. Current Status: MBA applicant
3. Schools Applied: NYU Stern (invited for interview)
4. Pre-MBA Work Experience:
6 months - film sales agency (in Vancouver)
1 year and 9 months - owner of a film production company (in Vancouver)
producer for several documentaries and short films (in Vancouver)
freelance translator and interpreter (in Taiwan and Vancouver)
5. Post-MBA Work Experience: international co-production producer
6. GMAT/ TOEFL/ GPA: (optional): 我考的是GRE(V460,Q780,AWA4.5)/TOEFL 112
7. What information you are interested to know in this board?
我申請的其他學校都是film producer program
NYU申請的是Dual Degree in MFA/MBA
目前Tisch和Stern都拿到interview 下禮拜日就要飛紐約去面試
一開始著手申請MBA時 其實根本不曉得MBA到底是什麼
後來查了Stern的課程大綱(我要唸的領域是媒體與娛樂) 覺得十分有興趣
但覺得自己的背景能申請上的機率很低 當初是抱著把申請費丟到水裡的心態丟出去的
現在被邀請去參加面試 心裡又緊張又惶恐
參閱了很多MBA分享(目前手邊還有一個劇本翻譯 為了節省時間 只讀中文論壇)
但同時也想利用這邊強大的申請網絡 看看有沒有相同領域的申請者
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
※ 編輯: tornedo 來自: (02/14 02:24)
※ 編輯: tornedo 來自: (02/14 02:29)
1F:推 danerd:Congrats on the invite! There aren't too many Stern 02/14 03:21
2F:→ danerd:MFA/MBAs every year, I remember a student told me there 02/14 03:21
3F:→ danerd:were only 5 in her class. Maybe that's why it's hard to 02/14 03:21
4F:→ danerd:people with similar backgrounds who can help 02/14 03:22
5F:推 shoop:恭喜了!! 今年CD上目前也是很少人被NYU錄取 不容易呢! 加油 02/14 10:29
6F:推 Vierro:好猛阿... 02/14 12:45
7F:→ tornedo:剛剛在studentfilm.com找到一個申請同領域的大陸學生 02/16 14:26
8F:→ tornedo:再一個禮拜就要面試了 有點緊張 謝謝大家的祝福! 02/16 14:27