First of all congrats on your offer! True, in the U.S. or any other countries, part-time does not have the prestige of a full time MBA program. The degree and diploma recieved is exactly the same. However, schools would typically schedule events such as recruiting, speakers, conferences, etc. disregarding the part-time students' schedules.I have friends who went to Stern part time and they complain that they feel like 2nd class citizens. Additionaly, one of the biggest benefits that you get from an MBA experience is the networking component. Part-time students have full time jobs and busy schedules. Aside from classes and a few team projects, you won't be seeing them most of the time. There won't be much bonding since everyone is just in a rush to leave after classes (work, family reasons - PT students older) Furthermore, your peer learning experience will be compromised due to the high acceptance rate of the incoming class. Although, I've had very smart and competent ex-coworkers at Goldman who went for part-time(Stern) as well, don't expect everyone to be a rock star in class. The acceptance rate for even the top PT programs are around 50%. I just want to make sure you are aware of that. Finally, make sure you are elgible for employment even if you want to 打工 in the U.S. I used to be on F1, and F1 students are not allowed to work unless the project itself is academically related (not as common as you think). If you plan on 非法打工. Keep in mind that the political climate in the U.S. right now is very sensitive regarding illegal immigrants stealing American jobs. Sorry, I don't mean to overwhelm you with too much discouragement. But I just wanted to make sure your expectations are realistic. Especially since you mentioned that 你有經濟壓力. Getting into debt and unable to switch into finance, an industry that values pedigree, after graduation can suck a lot. My humble opinions... ※ 引述《eileen0719 (No pain, no pay.)》之銘言: : 我已經申請上UT-Dallas 2011 summer Professional MBA (part-time) : 有丟的學校名單是: UIC, Binghamton, Drexel, UTD, Denver(已經收到拒絕信) : 目前只有收到UTD的錄取信 : 我知道很少UTD的留學生會丟夏季班,不過去年申請的時候希望把GMAT衝高一點再丟 : 加上自己希望趕快唸完趕快回台灣工作,所以就改丟夏季班。 : 本來就很喜歡UTD學校的課程,在寫essay的時候就只有這間讓我覺得最有特色 : (我想主修finance,學校有MSF系所,finance共有四個concentration) : 學校網站上的課程也很豐富,US NEWS 的part-time MBA排名也有#41 : 本身有經濟壓力,所以UTD當地便宜的生活費也讓我很心動 : --------以下是顧忌的點----------- : 只是現在爸媽聽到那是晚上上課,感覺不太好 ~"~ 因為台灣人對於夜間班的印象都不好 : 我是覺得課程豐富+師資很不錯(跟日間班Cohort的師資是一樣的) : 晚上上課也沒關係啦,而且有機會可以和當地正在工作的老外一起分組討論 : 白天可以找打工機會或是參加教會活動,or去旁聽其他系的課 : 不過現在聽到UTD的PMBA華人非常多,據說每屆畢業的台灣人有70幾個 : 大陸人有300個 : 這個會不會有洗學歷的嫌疑? @_@ : 凡事一體兩面,我本來就規劃要回台灣工作,所以華人多也是有優點 : 以後找工作很容易可以遇到學長姐 : 只是我不清楚業界對於part-time MBA的觀感是如何? : (據說Cohort MBA和Professional MBA的畢業證書是一樣的, : 畢業證書上也不會寫你的Major) : 如果有UTD的學長姐也請幫忙說明一下目前的工作狀況,謝謝!! : FYI, 目前規劃是畢業後從事金融業或是一般業界的業務 : (之前有工作一年的國外業務經驗) --

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