作者looktheghost (看到鬼)
標題[問題] 關於m-file的執行
時間Mon Nov 28 07:20:49 2011
小弟找到下面這個m-file, 裡面的 vigenere 也是另一個m-file
function ciphertext = encrypt(plaintext, key)
v = vigenere;
% Squeeze out everything except letters and the space character
exclude = regexp(plaintext, '[^a-zA-Z ]');
plaintext(exclude) = [];
% Make the key and the plaintext lower case, and convert to
% numeric values.
key = lower(key) - double('a') + 1;
key(key < 0) = 27;
plaintext = lower(plaintext) - double('a') + 1;
plaintext(plaintext < 0) = 27;
% Replicate the key so that it is as long as the plaintext.
keyIndex = mod(0:(numel(plaintext)-1), numel(key))+1;
k = key(keyIndex);
% Encrypt: C(n) = V(k(n), plaintext(n))
ciphertext = arrayfun(@(m,n) v(m,n), k, plaintext) - 1;
ciphertext(ciphertext == 26) = double(' ') - double('a');
ciphertext = upper(char(ciphertext + double('a')));
但當我輸入 plaintext = ['gdhse123'] 以及 key = [2 3 4 5 6 7] 時
他卻出現 " plaintext is undefined " 然後錯誤是發生在
exclude = regexp(plaintext, '[^a-zA-Z ]') 這一行裡面
是我的 plaintext 輸入的格是錯誤嘛???
如果是的話 請問一下要如何改變呢???
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