作者rainnawind (正太學研究者雨颯)
標題[戰棋] Riot Mort 推特
時間Mon Jan 6 23:59:04 2025
Good morning everyone! Today officially kicks off 2025 working days! Lots in
store for TFT this year.
To start with, Patch TFT13.3 (new naming scheme starts this year) is on
Thursday. The patch had to be branch cut before the break, so we can mostly
only do number changes for now. That being said, the patch is still looking
fairly large. Even when we try to keep it small, there's just so much
content. Here's some of the major things to get you ready.
-The Stage 3 carousel will be changed to always have 1 of each component. The
variance on this carousel hasn't resulted in a positive experience, so we're
going to have it behave like the other carousels now.
-We're disabling a few augments including Lone Hero, Arcane Retribution,
Contested, Artifactory, and Dark Alley Dealings.
-Chem Baron 400 & 500 cashouts are getting their total rewards reduced, and
all the Perfected items except one are getting large nerfs.
I'll post a rundown likely Tuesday evening with full explanations on all the
changes as usual. We had a great Christmas Break meta, but that doesn't mean
it can't be even better! Then TFT13.4 you can expect any larger changes/bug
fixes from there.
Ok that's it for today. Happy Monday and hope you have a good week. For now,
take it easy :)... picture not related to anything, you just have to see it
because I did.
Translated from 英文 by Google
大家早安!今天正式開始2025個工作天!今年的 TFT 有很多庫存。
首先,補丁 TFT13.3(今年開始新的命名方案)將於週四發布。該補丁必須在中斷之前進
-第 3 階段輪播將變更為每個組件始終有 1 個。此輪播上的差異並未帶來積極的體驗,
-化學男爵 400 和 500 現金獎勵的總獎勵減少,並且除一項外的所有完美物品都受到大
很棒的聖誕假期版本,但這並不意味著它不能更好!然後 TFT13.4 您可以從那裡期待任
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://webptt.com/m.aspx?n=bbs/LoL/M.1736179146.A.91E.html
※ 編輯: rainnawind ( 臺灣), 01/06/2025 23:59:40
1F:推 Dezen : 這什麼淦圖 01/07 00:00
2F:推 RIVERWIND : 斯米奇:哈哈是我啦 01/07 00:05
3F:噓 dinter9921 : 又出來狗叫這人 01/07 00:07
4F:推 klarklkk : 獨行英雄死去嗎 01/07 00:11
5F:噓 c871111116 : 笑死 真的把獨行禁了 01/07 00:11
6F:推 CATALYST0001: 最後那張三小 01/07 00:12
7F:推 yukinoooo : 獨行英雄終於禁了 01/07 00:31
8F:推 denny811012 : 競爭是激戰現場嗎 01/07 00:34
9F:推 howard1997 : 是 洗錢也掰了 01/07 00:35
10F:推 pearnidca : 開門 兩極反轉外送 01/07 00:42
11F:推 david77321 : 斯米奇最大贏家 01/07 01:03
12F:→ c871111116 : 巫師那個有強到要禁嗎.... 01/07 01:14
13F:推 Alexander1 : 巫師是太廢物到要回爐重造吧 01/07 01:15
14F:推 wayne1986 : 巫師最大問題是沒稱職前排,幾乎全都後排 01/07 01:38
15F:推 yowhatsupsli: 巫師專屬海克斯超白癡,死掉原地爆炸 01/07 01:40
16F:噓 z83420123 : 煉金問題就不是400.500 而是有轉太強沒轉一坨 01/07 01:42
17F:推 Aequanimitas: 神器夜曲逃過一劫囉 01/07 01:47
18F:推 Healine : 巫師真的超爛 要玩柔伊一定要玩反叛 01/07 02:03
19F:推 IHateAnime : 神器坊跟給斗篷那個海克斯都禁用啊 01/07 04:11
20F:推 qd6590 : 我覺得 不要玩反叛就好 這版反叛連爛分都有難度 除 01/07 04:22
21F:→ qd6590 : 非你大連勝+D到吉茵才有一戰之力 01/07 04:22
22F:推 wayne1986 : 反叛這種陣容本來就營運陣了,本來血量就不能太差 01/07 04:42
23F:→ wayne1986 : ,要熬到jinx來 01/07 04:42
24F:推 teakdavid968: jinx沒2也有點白搭 01/07 06:25
25F:推 saint5566fan: 聽說9號不會超級大改 下次才是超級大改版 01/07 07:58
26F:→ a1216543 : 不如不翻= = 01/07 08:26
27F:推 humanskull : 選裝是真的該改 放血進選秀發現沒半個要的...真的無 01/07 08:49
28F:→ humanskull : 言XD 01/07 08:49
29F:→ ttmm : 你有載遊戲?要發文好歹海科斯名稱查一下再發吧 01/07 09:33
30F:推 team1245 : 垃圾獨行終於要改了 01/07 09:42
31F:推 Retangle : 看過轉盤上5個腰帶的 真的吐 01/07 10:00
32F:推 james3510 : 400都不一定有分還要砍喔 01/07 10:11
33F:→ Alan1597 : 腰帶很好啊..出一堆手套斗篷才要吐好嗎... 01/07 10:27
34F:推 mrlucas8891 : 現在腰帶好用到不行還能吐= = 01/07 13:13
35F:推 PalmAngels : 拉克絲直接倒地 01/07 14:55
36F:推 qd6590 : 一堆手套還能偷偷 護甲+披風一堆真的想死 01/07 15:28
37F:推 pdd5566 : 禁止禁止禁止 01/07 15:35
38F:推 arepee : 圖超好笑 01/07 15:43