LoL 板


看板 LoL  RSS 先說這篇是在inven國際上的一篇新聞 看起來是韓國網路新聞記者對某些韓國網友評論的反應 我看不懂韓文 韓國inven基本上都在刷1557因為新聞標題是 IG打快攻15分57秒擊敗SKT =賽前討論= Looks like IG is going to secure their 4th win. CHINA NO.1 -Agreed. ff@20 看來IG要拿下第四場勝利了 CHINA NO.1 -同意. 20ff [News] SKT T1 wins the 2019 MSI and the 2019 World Championship! -You having fun? [新聞] SKT T1 贏了2019MSI跟2019總冠軍! -爽嗎? I’m from the future. Faker solo-kills Rookie. -I can’t tell if you’re being toxic or not. 我來自未來.Faker單殺了Rookie. -我看不出來你是不是在酸
“Our match will soon begin… Faker!” -Either Faker or Rookie, one of the two is going to be criticized for the rest of the year. "我們的比賽快開始了...Faker!" -Faker跟Rookie其中一個會被酸整年 If SKT loses, I’m going to kill myself. I’m being serious. -Your death is guaranteed then. 如果SKT輸了,我會自殺. 我認真的 -好吧你已經死了 I feel SKT is going to beat everyone in a BO5. -Heard that one in 2018. 我覺得SKT能在BO5打敗任何隊伍 -2018就聽過了 =比賽開始= Why is solo queue down right now? -Riot is telling us to shut up and watch MSI. 為什麼積分被關掉了? -Riot正叫你閉嘴然後看MSI Sona-Taric??? Stop trying to play such a gimmick! -Sona’s head is going to go boom by Draven. -Isn't this their first time playing Sona-Taric? Isn’t it a bit dangerous to try something new like that against such a strong team? -It’s probably because SKT can’t win with their usual picks. 索娜塔里克???不要再用這種耍小聰明的打法了! -索娜的頭會被達瑞文打爆 -這不是他們第一次玩索娜塔里克嗎?對上強隊用新打法不是有點危險嗎? -大概是因為用普通選角SKT也打不贏 I bet fans from other countries see Faker as someone like Doublelift. ‘Used to be a legend, doesn't play as well as he used to, but always makes it to an international tournament.’ -They’re completely different idiot. -If Doublelift and Faker stand side by side in NA, who do you think the fans will ask for an autograph? - I say Faker. 我猜其他國家的粉絲把Faker看作像Doublelife一樣的人物. '曾經是個傳奇,沒打得以前 那麼好,但總是能打進國際賽.' -他們倆完全不一樣 智障 -如果Doublelife跟Faker一起站在NA,你覺得粉絲會找誰合照? -我猜Faker
The second he snapped his fingers, half his team’s summoner spell went on cooldown lmao. -Looks like a bad start for SKT... Faker彈一下手指,半個隊伍的召喚師技能就進入冷卻了XD -看來對SKT來說是個不好的開始... SKT is getting wrecked. -I don’t understand SKT’s picks. Did they really think IG didn’t prepare for Sona-Taric? -If SKT makes a comeback, it’ll be legendary. But sadly, I don’t see them coming back. SKT正在被打爆 -我不理解SKT的選角. 他們真的認為IG對索娜塔里克沒有準備? -如果SKT逆轉了,那就是傳說了.很可惜的,我看不出來他們有逆轉的可能. JackeyLove bought BF at 4 minutes and completed Bloodthirster at 7 minutes. Lmao. -What is this? Fastfood Meta? -McSKT employees working quickly and efficiently. JackeyLove在4分鐘買了BF然後7分鐘完成嗜血者.XD -這是甚麼?速食Meta? -麥SKT的員工工作很有效率
This is Clid’s drawing of Lee Sin. (Photo: ESPN Fionn) -Cool self-portrait. -He drew and expressed his Lee Sin performance with hyper-realism. 這是Clid畫的李星(圖片來源:ESPN Fionn) -很酷的自畫像 -他用超現實的手法來畫出表現出他的李星表現
I prepared this photo for today’s match. I guess I can't use it now. -I miss RNG. 我為了今天的比賽準備了這張圖片.我想我現在不能用他了. -我想念RNG I blame jetlag. -It sucks when you get little sleep, right?! 我怪時差 -沒睡飽真的很慘,對吧?! Another pause? Really? -SKT needed a minute to find the FF button. 又一個暫停,真的? -SKT需要一分鐘來找到投降的按鈕
The chances are one in a couple million... 機率是幾百萬分之一...
Now that I think about it, Faker had predicted that he won’t be winning any international tournament in 2018 and 2019... 現在回想起來,Faker預測了他不會贏下任何一個2018跟2019的國際賽 --

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1F:推 jordan5168 : 看完了推個05/11 22:42
2F:推 UzInSec : faker改變了世界線 2017冠軍被推走 05/11 22:43
3F:推 iamriku : Doublelife是梗嗎 05/11 22:45
4F:推 x04bp6 : Faker彈一下手指,半個隊伍的召喚師技能就進入冷卻了 05/11 22:46
5F:→ x04bp6 : 幹這wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 05/11 22:46
6F:推 a12788547 : 最後一張圖是什麼梗 05/11 22:47
7F:推 AForZ : Faker自己畫的 05/11 22:49
8F:推 billgreenoil: 飛可原本預計17年奪冠然後去當兵 05/11 22:53
9F:推 mr955258 : Fastfood Meta 05/11 22:54
10F:推 darren2586 : 你也稍微排個版吧拜託 05/11 22:59
11F:推 y12544 : 彈手指笑死 05/11 23:00
12F:推 Gilgamesh159: 有夠有梗的XD 05/11 23:02
13F:→ fnb10803 : 逆向操作 SKT想創造歷史 05/11 23:08
14F:推 jevin : Faker先知 05/11 23:11
15F:→ ginsengwolf : doublelife? 05/11 23:13
16F:推 ilove640 : 這版太亂了吧= =你中英文之間空個格也好啊 不然兩個 05/11 23:22
17F:→ ilove640 : 討論串之間也可以分開 05/11 23:22
18F:推 asssstang : faker真的預測他不會贏下任何一個國際賽? 05/11 23:49
※ 編輯: a3577532004 (, 05/12/2019 00:04:47
19F:→ a3577532004 : 那張圖片faker直接從2017跳到2020 05/12 00:06
20F:推 tom080660 : 不知道有沒有去自殺 05/12 00:52
21F:推 Water0823 : 那張圖好久了啊 看到秒回想 05/12 03:43
22F:推 kira17218 : 想問ig那張 05/12 08:02

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