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如有筆誤或辭不達意,請幫忙指正,謝謝 出處 購物順序 起手 鞋+3紅 初期 3多蘭+法穿鞋 核心裝 死亡之帽、虛空法杖、中婭漏斗 選擇道具 水銀飾帶、女妖面紗、深淵權杖、瑞萊的冰晶節杖 符文 紅法穿*9 黃魔力回復*9 藍法傷成長*9 紫法傷 技能順序 Q > E > Q > W > Q > R Q > E > Q > E > R > E E > W > W > R > W > W 介紹 Xerath is a long range caster whose ability to siege is second to none. Both his laning phase and team fighting are very strong. Combined with the fact that he can CC targets, burst down squishy champions, and push minion waves (all from a safe distance), Xerath is arguably the best caster in the game. 齊勒斯是個無人能出其右的遠距攻城法師。撐線或是會戰都非常強勢。他可以控場,炸掉 軟皮角色,還有推兵(都在安全距離內),總結以上,齊勒斯毫無疑問地是最強的法師。 符文 Very standard caster runes. You can always swap out the ap/lvl blue runes for mres when going against casters who will end up damaging you regardless of how you play (kassadin, brand, etc). 非常標準的法師符文。你可以把成長法傷換成魔防,取決你對上誰(卡薩丁,火人..等) 撐線階段 Xerath's laning phase is very strong as he can freely harass as well as push minion waves due to the nature of his Q ability. Q has a low cooldown and long range so you can either push minion waves or harass enemy champions in lane (or both at the same time). A common misconception is that enemy champions can dodge Q easily and thus shuts down Xerath's harass. This is false as all you have to do in lane is wait for the enemy to take a creep kill and then shoot them in the face. A skillshot efficiency is doubled if you can accurately predict the enemy movement, otherwise you are just randomly shooting and hoping that the enemy won't react or predict it is coming. You are already winning the lane if the enemy knows you are going to shoot them with a Q to CS in which case the enemy will be denied. 因為有Q,齊勒斯在撐線上,騷擾跟推兵都一樣的優秀。Q的CD短、距離長,讓你可以一邊 騷擾英雄,一邊推兵。一般人會誤以為Q很好躲,但這就像你在線上等著敵人過來給你無 腦擊殺一樣不可能。有技巧的施放方式就是能精準預測敵人的動向,否則只是隨機亂放招 ,順便期待敵人撞上它。只要你讓敵人知道你在撿尾刀的同時一邊瞄準他們,那你已經贏 了這條線了。 Taking control of a lane as Xerath is relatively simple as he can beat most mid solos outside of champions who can push incredibly hard without getting into Xerath's E range (exceptions being cassio, morg, malz among others). You should be focusing on CS while keeping note of the enemy champion trying to CS. Whenever they go for a CS, you can Q them. Once you are level 4 you can switch things up by walking into the enemy's range and hitting siege mode (your W button). Outside of smart opponents (chances are 99% of people are not at the level to which they would react correctly) the enemy will start running away because for some odd reason they will be psychologically scared by the fact that Xerath has sat down. 控線對齊勒斯來說相對簡單,尤其他能應付大部份的中線英雄,讓對方很難控線,除非進 入齊勒斯e的射程(卡莎碧雅、魔甘娜、馬爾札哈不在此限)。你應該專注在撿尾刀,順便 注意對方,當對方要撿尾刀,你可以Q他們。一但你四級了,你可以走進敵人的射程然後 轉成攻城模式(按W)。除了一些聰明的對手(大概有99%的機率對方會做出錯誤的反應),他 們會因為一些奇怪的心理因素開始跑,大概是被齊勒斯的攻城模式嚇到了吧。 By this time you can either unsiege and follow up with an E Q combo to the enemy as the move speed will allow you to close the small gap between you and the enemy or just Q them. This gap closer also allows Xerath a free 2 auto attacks which will really pile on the damage-it is definitely worth taking the minion damage needed to do this unless you are retarded and decided to engage on someone with 10 ranged minions. This is for levels 1-5. 只要在跑速允許、夠接近的範圍下,你也可以不架攻城而用EQ連招去打對手,或是只Q他 。如果夠近的的話,你還可以加兩下普攻,這絕對值得頂著小兵的傷害去做,除非你弱智 到跟身邊有十隻遠距小兵的對手交戰。以上是一到五級之間的事。 Once Xerath gets lvl 6 he basically gains the ability to potentially win the lane versus any mid solo as he can kill you straight up if the enemy champ isn't at 100% HP, which should be doable as Xerath. If an enemy is at 70% or below, you can just walk up to them (obviously not walking up to a lvl 6 Annie with stun proc charged) and ERRDQR combo them. The point is to maximize guaranteed damage. If you start the combo off with ERQ instead of ERRQ chances are that the enemy will flash the second R limiting the damage you can put out. If you do ERRQ all of those spells hit in the duration of a stun and even if they flash you can follow up and flash R them for guaranteed damage. 一但齊勒斯六級,他基本上可以已經獲得這條線的掌控權,他可以直接殺掉任何沒有滿血 的敵人。如果敵人的血量在70%以下,你可以走向他(當然不是走向六級有暈的安妮), 然後ERRDQR連招他!重點就是最大化傷害。如果你用ERQ起手,而不是ERRQ,那他們會有機 會在之後的R閃現走。如果你放了ERRQ,就算他們閃現走了,你也可以閃現跟上放R,這樣 可以讓你傷害最大化。 會戰 Team fighting with Xerath is pretty basic. You just shoot lasers from afar and if any squishies come into ultimate range you spam ultimates on them and chunk them down. The whole point is to deal as much damage possible while not taking damage in return as Xerath's kit allows you to do that. You can save the E Q combos for bruisers who are either gunning for you or your other squishies. Positioning is key here, and you should always be moving as the teamfight plays itself out. 會戰對齊勒斯是相當基本的東西。你只需要遠遠的射雷射,要是有軟皮進入你的大絕距離 ,你就用大絕放倒他。重點就是在保護自已的情況下將傷害最大化。你可以留著EQ連招來 對付衝向你或是軟皮隊友的大男。站位是一個關鍵,像打團戰般移動吧。 Do not ignore Xerath's passive, he is the ultimate AD killer as he can walk up to AD carries while tanking their DPS and just burst them down. This is situational. However, it is a rare occurrence for Xerath to be afraid of walking towards the enemy team outside of big nuke potentials coming from Annie or similar AP heroes who can burst him down without having a chance to respond, so don't always get caught up on being siege tank distance. 不要忽視齊勒斯的侵略性,他是個終極AD殺手,他可以坦著AD CARRY的傷害然後走到AD面 前殺了他。(在某些狀況下)。反正,大部份情況下,敵人向齊勒斯衝過來都沒在怕的。 除非像是有核武級威脅的安妮,或是其他相似的AP,會讓你沒時間反應就被秒殺的。 所以不要常常待在攻城坦克的射程內! 總結 Xerath is a caster as he can perform well in laning phase as well as team fights. He is also the go to champion to siege turrets or generally poke the enemy team. IMO he is currently too strong and needs to be nerfed but we will see how Riot plays their hand. 齊勒斯在撐線跟會戰都一樣出色。他在推塔跟poke敵方也很厲害。在我的觀點,他現在op 了,但是我們要看看riot會怎麼改他。 --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(
◆ From: ※ 編輯: thiefman 來自: (11/08 16:33)
1F:→ forever05520:最後面怎麼空白一頁,開燈也沒東西阿XD 11/08 16:30
2F:推 howar31 :齊勒斯先推! 11/08 16:31
3F:→ zseineo :結論:ANNIE OP(咦 11/08 16:31
4F:推 stormNEW :組合不錯的話配這一隻真的很夭壽 11/08 16:31
5F:→ a2364983 :Darknessss 11/08 16:31
6F:→ forever05520:我很期待大比賽能看到這隻出現XD 11/08 16:31
7F:推 smallcoll :不是魔力成長mana/lv是魔力回復mana reg/5sec 11/08 16:32
8F:→ a2364983 :等一下 看到他說魔力值成長很標準我就覺得有問題 11/08 16:32
9F:→ a2364983 :看原文是回魔成長 11/08 16:32
10F:推 zseineo :推 11/08 16:33
11F:推 forever05520:CD好了,幫推XD 11/08 16:33
※ 編輯: thiefman 來自: (11/08 16:35)
12F:推 howar31 :我個人還是習慣W比E先滿 W才能發揮他的特長 11/08 16:34
13F:推 tsunamimk2 :Xe如果會玩的話非常恐怖,他是可以躲在陰影裡面砍掉 11/08 16:37
14F:→ tsunamimk2 :敵方會戰中英雄1/3~1/2血的傢伙... 11/08 16:37
15F:→ tsunamimk2 :本來以為他沒有爆發力難以單挑 看了幾場實況才發現 11/08 16:38
16F:→ tsunamimk2 :弄錯他的定位... 11/08 16:38
17F:推 landisu :我覺得這隻的R連發蠻猛的..配上E暈蠻可怕 11/08 16:39
18F:→ smallcoll :r真的是很大的殺招 ERRQ可比安妮 11/08 16:41
19F:→ ciwewa :之前也是習慣W滿 後來看guide試過E先滿 前期會比較壓 11/08 16:41
20F:→ ciwewa :WQ連段會讓對手誤判距離及施法時間 但是沒那麼多魔Q 11/08 16:42
21F:推 usoko :現在的被動真的讓他變成AD殺手 硬扛傷害殺人 11/08 16:42
22F:→ usoko :不知道之後riot要怎麼改.... 11/08 16:42
23F:推 sunny1991225:幾星期前這隻還被所有人瞧不起...... 11/08 16:43
24F:→ ciwewa :要改應該還要很久...前面一堆在排隊 這隻又沒特別OP 11/08 16:43
25F:→ forever05520:根據RIOT原則,怎麼改都不平衡的就直接改到爛掉 11/08 16:44
26F:→ forever05520:沒人想選 = 平衡 XD 11/08 16:44
27F:推 howar31 :我一開始也是E先滿 但發現E不常用到而且耗魔 才改用 11/08 16:45
28F:→ howar31 :W先滿的策略 話說這隻是我第一隻一出就買的英雄( 艸) 11/08 16:46
29F:→ wzmildf :這只是個開始.. (遞小額付款 11/08 16:48
30F:→ smallcoll :因為你沒配mana reg和天賦吧,藍buff應該也沒全程吃? 11/08 16:51
31F:→ chunyulai :這支"隊友配合的好"會很不錯 11/08 16:54
32F:→ chunyulai :算是AT draft好用的角色 11/08 16:54
33F:推 qoh :前一陣子他內戰常用,都很精彩也很殺 11/08 16:55
34F:推 CrazyLord :第一隻一出就買+1XDDD 11/08 16:55
35F:推 ilris :我覺得這隻想想後,真的滿不錯的,有用這隻壓爆對方 11/08 16:59
36F:→ ilris :的kass跟leb...XD 11/08 16:59
37F:→ wolver :E不常用,我也是QW先滿,W先滿好處是可以插眼躲遠遠QR. 11/08 17:00
38F:→ wolver :WR放完後對方都還不知道你躲哪.... 11/08 17:01
39F:推 ZMTL :最好的隊友: Sona Galio Amumu Kennen等 (? 11/08 17:02
※ 編輯: thiefman 來自: (11/08 17:04)
40F:→ ZMTL :我還是習慣WQ連段,畢竟W不耗魔,E耗太大 11/08 17:04
41F:推 Exmax1999 :用這隻要壓爆會玩的kass有點難度... 11/08 17:04
42F:推 howar31 :喔我剛剛提到的耗魔是指前期 後期就沒這問題了 11/08 17:08
43F:→ howar31 :所以後期才用E 六等前QWQEQR有一點E以防萬一即可 11/08 17:09
44F:推 qtzero :前陣子才有文說這隻沒有單殺能力 11/08 17:09
45F:→ howar31 :話說紳士你要給我你的手機號碼的意思嗎?www 11/08 17:09
46F:→ howar31 :這隻不是Nuker 路上兩個滿血對撞是不太利... 11/08 17:10
47F:推 tsunamimk2 :這隻的確沒有面對面單挑的優勢啊 11/08 17:11
48F:→ w3160828 :這隻不是OP無腦機阿 11/08 17:11
49F:→ tsunamimk2 :但是有個可以控場的傢伙在前面把人抓一起就嘿嘿嘿... 11/08 17:11
50F:→ smallcoll :hsgg janna(無誤 11/08 17:12
51F:→ howar31 :這隻標準的「從後面偷偷來」「躲在暗處做不可告人的 11/08 17:12
52F:→ howar31 :事情」的角色...( 艸) 11/08 17:13
53F:推 sunny1991225:感覺是個Sup ap carry?(哪來這麼多複合屬性ww 11/08 17:14
54F:→ howar31 :喔可能是Sup AP Tanky Carry喔 (他的被動wwwwww 11/08 17:14
55F:推 BearJW :就算是安妮有暈有熊路上對撞兩個滿血也不會有利吧 11/08 17:15
56F:推 usoko :能夠擋住xerath的大概剩下morg, kass完全輸在射程 11/08 17:15
57F:推 sunny1991225:是說Xerath是在這個Patch有被Buff還是? 11/08 17:16
58F:→ sunny1991225:不然之前就跟Lee剛出一樣超級鬼隱 11/08 17:16
59F:→ w3160828 :他只是機體不無腦OP而已 所以被忽視 11/08 17:17
60F:→ BearJW :應該是打法被開發了吧 看哪個ERRDQR連段 XDD 11/08 17:17
61F:推 tsunamimk2 :所以這就是為什麼要養專業玩家去發掘玩法寫攻略XD 11/08 17:18
62F:→ w3160828 :他的BUFF還沒來(號稱要把天生技改成更配合他的) 11/08 17:18
63F:→ spirit761127:Sup AP Tanky Carry 哈哈哈哈 11/08 17:18
64F:推 ZMTL :這被動還不差啊,對面都AD先出小金人就Tanky AP Carry 11/08 17:19
65F:推 spirit761127:核武級安妮也很好笑xdd 11/08 17:20
66F:推 howar31 :問題出在他的設定應該是不可能被摸到才對wwww 超遠程 11/08 17:21
67F:→ howar31 :怎麼需要防禦www 所以才說要Remake orz 11/08 17:21
68F:推 kuramylove :前面那邊是說Morg (摩甘娜) 不是kog哦 11/08 17:21
已訂正 ※ 編輯: thiefman 來自: (11/08 17:27)
69F:→ smallcoll :xerath剛出大家都說出帽子還殺不掉後排超慘的啊 11/08 17:23
70F:→ smallcoll :Q一次小兵清不光,看看隔壁大叔和塔隆 11/08 17:24
71F:推 colmash :R三下沒死也重傷啊... 11/08 17:24
72F:→ smallcoll :w又自己定身自己,會用這點的很容易抓爆xerath 11/08 17:25
73F:→ smallcoll :但是你抓不到突進距離就會像老查那樣leggggggendary 11/08 17:25
74F:推 howar31 :Xerath開W會被對面抓到通常都是開的點有問題:/ 11/08 17:26
75F:→ imbturtle :這隻可以超哭爸的從四鬼塔殺你 11/08 17:26
76F:→ smallcoll :不一定,你想想之前的狗頭GP三皇冠火車軍團... 11/08 17:26
77F:推 tsunamimk2 :有次會戰完撤退 想說給帶頭追的ㄧ個EQ 11/08 17:27
78F:→ tsunamimk2 :結果按成WQ,馬上就被打成黑白了(默 11/08 17:27
79F:推 remainder :這隻不錯 是talon跟graves太OP... 11/08 17:27
80F:推 DWR :xerath只是太吃操作技術了,時機比球女更難掌握 11/08 17:58
81F:推 bb511 :齊勒斯 自帶CC技 11/08 19:59

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