作者zseineo (Zany)
標題[翻譯] TheOddOne’s Competitive Jungle Tier List
時間Fri Jun 17 17:23:49 2011
TheOddOne’s Competitive Jungle Tier List (Dreamhack Edition)
Since apparently people care what I think (or so I've been told) and everyone
loves being told what to pick I've written a quick tier list for
competitive/tourney worthy junglers. Keep in mind, this factors in how
valuable that champion is in the jungle spot ALL game, not just at clearing
the jungle. This means that despite Master Yi having a nice jungle route, I
personally think his sole purpose later will be to feed the enemy team or
backdoor towers as in competitive play people tend to focus dangerous targets
rather than in solo queue where everything is apparently invisible to your
allies except when they blame you for dying 1v5. Without further rambling:
Tier 1: Nunu, Amumu
Tier 2: Warwick, Nocturne, Trundle, Lee Sin
Tier 3: Rammus, Alistar, Maokai, Olaf, Cho'Gath
Tier 4: Shaco, Fiddlesticks, Evelynn
Tier 5: Xin Zhao, Udyr, Tryndamere, Renekton
Tier I don't care: Everyone else unless I get wrecked at Dreamhack then I'll
stealthily change the list and act like I was correct all along.
Tier 1: These guys are probably going to be banned or picked in 75% of games
for competitive tournament matches as they excel in an area
(support/roam/teamfight) and are very strong in the areas they don't excel in.
Tier 2: While not as dominant as the tier above, these guys are very strong
picks to jungle as they do their role well, however unlike the tier above,
they may be fairly weak in a certain area or not truly dominant in an area
like above.
Tier 3: These guys are competent at jungling but tend to be extremely weak in
a certain area and won't be as dominant in the support/roam/dragon role
compared to the above tiers. Or in Alistar/chogath's case, I'd rather just
see them lane than taking up a spot in jungle.
Tier 4: Useful in jungle but tend to be far less versatile than the above
tiers and tend to be a really focused 'gimmick'. That said, these guys are
really strong at that one area even if they're fairly weak in the other areas.
jungle還不錯但各方面都比不上T1/2/3的,tend to be a really focused 'gimmick'
Tier 5: Mostly filled with people that are simply outshined by other tiers
but are still capable of beating the champions that nobody would jungle with
by a nice margin.
Tier don't care: While some of the champions in this area could work
(Karthus), I doubt any of them will prove to be ready/useful enough for
Dreamhack. That said, if our team does manage to lose to something from this
tier, you can safely know that I'll stealthily change it to save face.
So for the upcoming Dreamhack tournament, these are my initial thoughts at a
quick jungle tier list which hopefully will give non participants of what to
expect or what to use for their team lineups. Depending on what happens at
Dreamhack, I could either completely change this list or act like a god and
claim I was right all along so this list may or may not change in the week
following Dreamhack.
對於即將來到的Dreamhack,這是我最初的想法對於jungle tier,希望能給非參賽者
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 coolboy16 :偷偷地改XDDD 06/17 17:28
2F:推 vicklin :rammus低的原因是真的已經被nerf到這麼慘了嘛 囧 06/17 17:30
3F:推 Blitzcrank :我覺得rammus和xin應該要換一下,xin現在很不錯 06/17 17:32
4F:→ zseineo :我也覺得XIN沒慘到T5 06/17 17:33
5F:→ frankie30432:udyr也在T5 OK的! 06/17 17:35
6F:推 i14d14 :udyr老了T..T 06/17 17:39
7F:→ fearimba :自從udyr的____被shen切成4份後就... 06/17 17:46
8F:推 ideos :xin早期gank還蠻有危脅性的又好上手 怎麼會排到... 06/17 17:46
9F:推 a2364983 :現在是大家都流行來個排行嗎XD 06/17 17:52
10F:→ zseineo :最近solomid很多文章啊,雨男也排了一個solo q tier 06/17 17:55
11F:推 a2364983 :我[們也可以排啊 只是沒人會看(?) 06/17 18:00
12F:→ zseineo :你可以排一張跟雨人一樣的,等到有人打臉你你就 06/17 18:01
13F:→ zseineo :貼雨人的文打回去..XD 06/17 18:01
14F:推 carzy :想排個allmid的tier lol 06/17 18:06
15F:→ evilisnear :ptt個人tier list即將洗版 06/17 18:07
16F:推 fearimba :OOO's female hero cup tier list (嗯? 06/17 18:10
17F:推 a2364983 :↑推這個 06/17 18:14
18F:推 frank123ya :xin......... 06/17 18:21
20F:推 Lazi :他是說Tier5那些英雄 只比你根本不會拿去Jungle的英 06/17 18:33
21F:→ Lazi :雄好而已 06/17 18:33
※ 編輯: zseineo 來自: (06/17 18:37)
22F:→ zseineo :感謝 06/17 18:37
24F:推 coolboy16 :最右上那隻是誰 只有她我認不出來... 06/17 18:41
25F:→ swwf :我知道T1左上是Janna,左下是Sona,其他不知道了 06/17 18:42
26F:→ zseineo :KATA的貓SKIN 06/17 18:42
27F:→ zseineo :T1 右下是NIDD 女僕SKIN 06/17 18:43
28F:推 coolboy16 :喔喔 是說這樣全部都認的出來會很糟糕嗎(? 06/17 18:43
29F:→ GinHan :t5 poppy annie anivia tristana? 06/17 18:43
30F:→ frankie30432:全部都認的出來耶 06/17 18:44
31F:推 swwf :T5 津漢大全都認出來了耶,原來Anivia也有胸部 (咦) 06/17 18:46
32F:→ frankie30432:t1左上janna左下sona右上kata右下nid 06/17 18:47
33F:→ frankie30432:t2左上akali左下morgana右上ashe右下mf 06/17 18:48
34F:→ frankie30432:t3左上eve左下ire右lux 06/17 18:48
35F:→ frankie30432:t4左上leb左下soraka右上sivir右下kayle 06/17 18:48
36F:推 MrChiang :沒想到udyr變成T5了... 06/17 18:48
37F:→ frankie30432:t5左上annie左下trist右上poppy右下anivia 06/17 18:48
38F:推 fearimba :等等這樣SKIN影響戰力很大啊!leb要是換成燕尾服SKIN. 06/17 18:49
39F:推 swwf :你們這些痴漢(指) 感謝指認:P 06/17 18:49
40F:→ GinHan :怎沒有cait... 06/17 18:50
41F:→ fearimba :而且KAYLE不是隱性巨乳嗎XD 06/17 18:51
42F:→ frankie30432:去年11月的 06/17 18:51
43F:→ frankie30432:kayle要看新skin才知道厲害! 06/17 18:51
44F:→ frankie30432:好想把舊的無面罩拿去換貨...根本是男人臉 06/17 18:52
45F:推 silentcrane :MF怎麼會才T2?! 06/17 18:56
46F:→ GinHan :cait應該T2 karmaT4 vayneT4 oriannaT2 06/17 19:01
47F:→ Mystiera :orianna KG out of tier 06/17 19:03
48F:→ aoiaoi :官方會注意這些明星球員排行 udyr低點才有buff空間 06/17 19:05
49F:推 linfox :Kata是因為Rinoa要求才被排到T1的 XD 06/17 19:13
50F:推 vicklin :這個指的是早期jungle ori怎麼會排T2 06/17 19:52
51F:推 amALu :eve 不是最大的嗎O_O 06/17 20:35
52F:推 orzx :偷偷的改實在太爆笑XDDDD 06/17 22:25
53F:→ orzx :其實他已經證明了吧...資格賽NUNU不是8戰7勝嗎? 06/17 22:25
54F:→ frankie30432:NUNU 10W/1L 06/17 22:28