LoL 板


看板 LoL  RSS 主要來自這個問卷 喜歡神出鬼沒並摧毀敵人嗎? Do you like to come out of nowhere and destroy enemies? [Assassin] 喜歡當你們隊伍中主要的傷害輸出者麼? Do you like to be the main damage source for your team? [Carry] 你有耐心學習一個困難的角色嗎? Do you have the patience to learn a trickier character? [Difficult] 喜歡讓敵人失去控制嗎? Do you like to cause enemies to lose control? [Disabler] 喜歡存很多$$嗎? Do you like to collect lots of gold? [Farmer] 喜歡跟敵方英雄放對嗎? Do you like to attack enemy champions? [Fighter] 喜歡有逃跑技能嗎? Do you like to have an escape mechanism? [Flee] 喜歡快速移動嗎? Do you like to move fast? [Haste] 喜歡治療能力嗎? Do you like to have a healing ability as opposed to a damaging spell? [Heal] 喜歡法傷裝備嗎? Do you like AP items?[Mage] 喜歡近戰嗎? Do you want to get closer so you can hit them with your sword? [Melee] 想當忍者嗎? Do you want to be a ninja?[Ninja] 喜歡瞬間秒掉敵人嗎? Do you like doing "terrible terrible damage"? [Nuke] 想不想要個寵物? Do you want a pet? [Pet] 喜歡破塔嗎? Do you like getting tower kills? [Pusher] 喜歡遠距攻擊嗎? Do you prefer to attack from a distance? [Ranged] 介意死很大嗎? Do you prefer to ignore death? [Revive] 非常想知道全場狀況嗎? Do you absolutely need to know what is going on? [Scout] 想知道傷害是哪裡來的嗎? Do you tend to know when the hurt is coming? [Shield] 想讓對手砸鍵盤嗎? Do you like to break your enemies' keyboards? [Silence] 想讓敵人步履蹣跚嗎? Do you want to make your enemies trudge through mud? [Slow] 喜歡讓敵人被陷阱困住嗎? Do you like to put your enemies in all the wrong places? [Snare] 通常血很少嗎? Do you get by with less health than most? [Squishy] 討不討厭太陽? Do you hate the sun? [Stealth] 想讓你的敵人愣住個幾秒嗎? Do you want your enemies to just stop running for a sec? [Stun] 喜歡讓你的隊友當個Carry嗎? Do you prefer to help your teammates as opposed to carrying? [Support] 喜不喜歡當肉盾? Do you want to tank the damage? [Tank] 喜歡在地圖瞬間移動嗎? Do you like to blink around the map? [Teleport] 喜歡一個很難死的英雄嗎? Do you want a character that dies hard? [Tough] 送出 然後會依照你的喜好給你合適的英雄推薦 怎麼辦,我希望我的英雄那些好能力全都有耶.... XDDDDD 我以為我喜歡法師, 可是問卷出來結果卻給我Garen,然後Zilean,然後Janna...,Akali只有兩分... XDDD --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(
◆ From:
1F:→ assshole :阿們(畫十字) 06/06 22:09
※ 編輯: swwf 來自: (06/06 22:12)
2F:→ wulouise :喜歡跟適合... 06/06 22:12
3F:推 frank123ya :我最愛的VLAD第15名 前五名我一隻都沒試過(除了AI 06/06 22:12
4F:→ Yadsmood :我第一名Kayle 救命xdd 06/06 22:15
5F:推 abccbaandy :全部都選最高是Zilean...所以她全能?XD 06/06 22:15
6F:推 revadios :我會去試試Zilean的 lol 06/06 22:15
7F:推 koll60317 :第一Teemo還滿凖的 06/06 22:16
8F:推 LION97 :我的愛用角都倒數的... 06/06 22:16
9F:→ briankch :我的MAIN只有1分 XDD 06/06 22:22
10F:推 cdexangel :我的main Malz第一 06/06 22:25
11F:推 feluolia :第一Tryndamere 後面Sona+Janna+Kyle+Soraka(娘子軍? 06/06 22:29
12F:推 GodV3 :Zilean是我的第一...免費玩過很好用沒錯啦 =3= 06/06 22:32
13F:推 jessy1092 :前五名只有一隻用過 XD 06/06 22:34
14F:推 ghostou :潘3秒第1.... 06/06 22:35
15F:推 DKEE :我的第一名只有一個1 連張圖都沒有... 06/06 22:36
16F:→ DKEE :而且前五名幾十個我只有四個 囧 06/06 22:38
17F:推 reclusea :全部選-2 最推薦swain 06/06 22:39
18F:推 lance1989x :Zilean跟Urgot第一 可是我時鐘老人玩超爛 06/06 22:41
19F:→ cdexangel :各位你有注意看Soraka的圖片嗎 06/06 22:51
20F:→ cdexangel :Soraka跟Sivir的圖片怎麼會變這樣 06/06 22:52
21F:推 hanjon :他們吃壞肚子吧 臉色有點難看 06/06 22:58
22F:推 JohnnyWalker:蠻準的 我愛大男 06/06 23:32
23F:推 jinkela1 :Do you like boobs? Big boobs? 06/06 23:49
24F:推 sowulo :我夠的選項是不好死殺很大又很坦又不吃裝手長又腳長 06/06 23:56
25F:→ sowulo :我一直在想有沒有角色這麼IMBA結果跑出Cho xddd 06/06 23:57
26F:推 shadowdaj :不準....為什麼我的shaco測出來是倒數的.... 06/06 23:58
27F:推 totogood :第一kennen 準!! 超愛用 但勝率慘兮兮 06/07 00:16
28F:推 WEIKUNG :第一MALPHITE 沒玩過 不過MAIN Ryze在第二 06/07 01:47
29F:→ Istari :沒有球~ 06/07 03:10
30F:推 HornyDragon :第一名居然是斯巴達XDDDDDDD 06/07 05:21
31F:推 coldwolf :0.0brandXD還頗準的 06/07 07:30
32F:→ bob780605 :soraka吃了什麼不乾淨的東西...... 06/07 09:21
33F:推 hahaopps :第一是tristana @@" 06/07 10:38
34F:推 weiweiweiwei:第一名是Urgot,沒玩過 不過第二名是愛用姬morgana 06/07 11:37
35F:→ weiweiweiwei:最後一名AKALI -4...XD 06/07 11:37
36F:推 a6021314 :Malphite TF Eve Xin Pantheon Kat Twitch Lee Annie 06/07 12:51
37F:→ a6021314 :LeBlanc 主練的Lux Morgana分別6跟5...囧 06/07 12:52
38F:推 CannyBoy :我的main好低分 難道是想換口味了!? 06/07 19:47

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