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老實說我英文很破 這篇Judgement只是憑著愛邊查字典邊翻的 囧 單字就算了,文法整個亂翻,有些部份為了文句通順還自行改過 如果有發現錯誤還請多包涵、多指正(汗) Observation The workshop is a disaster. Parts lay haphazardly among the fabrication equipment. Mystical substances and materials are strewn everywhere. Plates of half-eaten food grow mold in the corners. 工作室髒亂得像場災難。零件在製作台上隨意堆放,神秘的藥物和 原料散佈在每個角落,而吃到一半的食物則在角落發霉。   If there were mirrors, Corin would probably be frightened by his own reflection. Disheveled, wild-eyed, and manic, he puts what appear to be the finishing touches on his creation. It is beautiful and intricate, a facsimile of a girl in elegant clockwork.   如果這裡有鏡子,Corin或許會被自己的倒影嚇到。他的頭髮凌亂、雙眼瘋 狂瞪大,整個人顯得顛狂。他看起來正在替他的創造物做最後的修飾,那是一 個用雅緻發條做成的女孩複製品。   All that remains is to give it life. However, the enchantment of an Infinity Gear is purely theoretical. Corin is the first to come this close to making it a reality. He gently removes the Gear from the catalyst fluid. It pulses with energy. He smiles a too-wide smile as he places it inside of his creation. The reaction is immediate.   最後就只要給予它生命。無論如何,永動齒輪(Infinity Gear)只是附魔學中 的理論。Corin是第一位幾乎將這個議題實現的人。他溫柔地將齒輪從催化劑中取 出,它充滿能量地脈動著。當他將永動齒輪放入他的創造物時,他瘋狂的笑了。 創造物立刻有了反應。   The gears inside the clockwork girl begin to turn, slowly at first. His creation begins to jerk, as life floods to every end of every limb. It is like watching a death spasm in reverse.   發條少女體內的齒輪開始轉動,一開始轉得緩慢。他的創造物開始痙攣,像 是生命正流向四肢的每個末梢。這像是在欣賞死前痙攣的倒轉。   Corin clutches a picture of a pretty young girl to his chest as he watches, tears in his eyes.   Corin將一張照片緊握在胸口,上頭是一名漂亮的年輕女孩。他看著創造物的 反應,眼眶泛出淚水。 Reflection   The clockwork girl was not the first created being to have entered the halls of the Institute of War. The Great Steam Golem had done so years before. However, there was something noble about Blitzcrank, something alive in the way he moved and expressed himself.   發條少女不是第一個來到戰爭學院大廳的創造物,蒸氣機器人在幾年前便來 過這裡。無論如何,Blitzcrank有某種高貴的特質,某種活生生的東西,存在他 移動和表達自己的方式裡。   This thing seemed dead inside. It seemed like an automaton, trying to act like as if it was alive. The effect was unsettling.   這玩意看起來只充斥著一片死寂。它看起來像個自動機器,試著把自己表現 得像個活物……但是徒勞無功。   Senior Summoner Montrose appraised the thing that had introduced itself as Orianna. She reached behind her back, unnaturally flexible, and wound the giant key in her back. It's not that she didn't have facial expressions – they were just wrong. There was something in everything she did that was just a little bit off, off enough to be just this side of completely alien.   資深召喚師Montrose審視著這個自稱Orianna的東西。她伸手到背後轉動巨大 的發條,柔軟得極不自然。並不是因為她沒有臉部表情--她的一切都很不對勁。 她的所有行為裡都有一點點異常,異常到能把她當做徹底的異形。   Then there was The Ball. One might assume that it was her pet, but the relationship was deeper than that. It was as if the two were symbiotically linked. The Ball was just that – a floating ball, equal parts clockwork and some kind of electrical techmaturgy. From time to time, a strange eye on a stalk would emerge from within the sphere, examining the surroundings.   然後還有「球」,一個會被假設是她寵物的東西。但他們之間的關係更深刻 ,就像是因為共棲關係而連結在一起。「球」就是個……浮空的球,有著一樣的 發條和某種電力的科魔法(techmaturgy)。偶爾會有個奇怪的探測眼從球體中探出 來,仔細審視周遭環境。   “I wish to be a champion. It will be fun,” said Orianna, in a voice that was some approximation of human.   「我想當一名英雄。那會很有趣。」Orianna說,用一種模仿人類的聲音。   Summoner Carin looked at Senior Summoner Montrose. “Is this even going to work?”   召喚師Carin看著資深召喚師Montrose,「這行得通嗎?」   Orianna's body turned, while her head stayed riveted on them. “Of course it will work. I will be a good champion.”   Orianna的身體轉過背去,儘管她的臉還注視著他們。「當然行得通。我會是 個好英雄。」   Montrose responded. “Orianna, in order to admit you into the League of Legends, we must explore your mind. We are wondering if you have the kind of mind we can explore.”   Montrose回答:「Orianna,為了讓妳獲准加入英雄聯盟,我們必須探測妳 的心靈。我們很好奇妳有沒有這種……我們可以探測到的心靈。」   Back in the right orientation, the clockwork girl's skirt began to tick. “My father says yes. I have a mind. Do so. If The Ball is okay with it.” The Ball chimes and clicks, but makes no hostile move.   發條少女的身體轉回原來的位置,裙子開始滴答轉動。「我父親說有。我有 心靈。如果『球』也行,對它做一樣的事。」「球」附和並發出滴答聲,但沒有 其他敵意行為。   There was a rush of what felt like wind, and then darkness, and then light. There was a young girl dressed like a ballerina. She danced in front of an audience. She was quite gifted. However, this memory was muted, disconnected emotionally.   一陣像風的潮流湧過,緊接著黑暗,然後是光。一名年輕女孩打扮得像芭蕾 舞者,在一名觀眾前跳舞。她相當有天份。但無論如何,這份記憶是寂靜、毫無 感情聯繫的。 Colors blur. The Institute of War comes back into focus.   色彩逐漸模糊。視野回到戰爭學院中。   “Orianna, are those your memories?” asked Senior Summoner Montrose.   「Orianna,這是妳的記憶嗎?」資深召喚師Montrose問道。   The clockwork girl laughed. It wasn't playful. It was cold and mechanical. “Those are Orianna's memories. I am Orianna. My father says so.”   發條少女發出笑聲,笑聲裡沒有歡愉,只有冰冷和機械感。「那是Orianna 的記憶。我是Orianna。我父親這麼說的。」   The younger summoner looked to Montrose for his cue. His composure unshaken, he nodded his head. “Then we'll try again.”   年輕的召喚師看著Montrose尋求指示。他毫無動搖,處之泰然地點點頭:「那 我們再試一次。」   Shadows, lights, colors. Someone had constructed what appeared to be a lane from Summoner's Rift. The young girl was much older now, and quite agile. She seemed to be training as a champion. There was a tower and it appeared to be fully armed.   陰影、光輝、顏色。某人再現了召喚者峽谷的對線區域。那名女孩現在長大 許多,而且相當靈活。她看起來正在受訓以成為一名英雄。場邊有著防禦塔,看 上去武裝得很徹底。   The one-eyed trainer coaxed her on with a gruff voice. “Come on, Orianna. Time to learn how to tower dive. I've goosed the power down, but it'll hurt if you get hit.”   獨眼的教官用粗厲的聲音哄她:「上吧,Orianna!現在是學怎麼塔殺的時 間啦。我把塔的威力調低了,但妳被打到還是會受點傷。」   The girl smiled naïvely. She readied herself, the picture of agility and poise. She began the run as the tower fired bolts at her. It was immediately clear that something was wrong. The blasts from the tower did not seem benign, as they chewed up the ground around her. Her natural grace kept her one step ahead, for the moment, as they began to come more and more frequently. The trainer mashed his controls, trying desperately to turn it off, yelling at her the whole time. However, Orianna was too engrossed in her exercise to notice.   女孩無邪地笑。她做好預備姿勢,靈活且平衡。當她向前跑出時,防禦塔朝 她射出第一發砲彈。她立刻發現事情有了不對。當砲彈粉碎她周遭的地面時,發 出的爆炸可一點也不溫和。她的本能讓她繼續往前踏步,與此同時,防禦塔的砲 擊越來越頻繁。教官把控制搞砸了,他絕望地試著關掉防禦塔,不斷地朝Orianna 大吼……但Orianna太過專心而無法聽到。   The first blast took her off her feet, knocking her into the ground. Winded, she attempted to get up. The second blast wasn't far behind. She tried weakly to get up, blood trickling from the corners of her mouth. After the third, she didn't get up.   第一個爆炸將她拋飛,緊接著打落地面。她喘著氣想爬起來。第二次爆炸就 在不遠。她虛弱地試著爬起,血從她的嘴角流下。第三次爆炸之後,她再也沒爬 起來。   Colors blur. The Institute of War came back into focus.   色彩逐漸模糊。視野回到戰爭學院中。   “Yes, I died,” offered Orianna.   「是,我死了。」Orianna指出。   Carin, ever the one for formality, replied. “We have entered your mind, Orianna. How did this make you feel?”   Carin無論何時都墨守成規,回話道:「我們剛剛侵入了妳的心靈,Orianna。 這讓妳有何感覺?」   The clockwork girl giggled in an inhuman way. “It was fun. I like memories. Don't you?”   發條少女用非人類的方式咯咯發笑:「這很有趣。我喜歡記憶。你們不喜歡嗎?」   Senior Summoner Montrose cleared his throat. “Why do you want to be a part of the League of Legends?”   資深召喚師Montrose清清他的喉嚨,問:「妳為何想成為英雄聯盟的一分子?」   “Because it is what I have always wanted. Because my father designed me to do so. Because The Ball is impatient to play on the Fields of Justice.” As if in answer, she turned to pet The Ball, which began to crackle with energy.   「因為這是我一直想要的。因為我父親將我設計得如此。因為『球』等不及 想在正義之地玩耍。」就如回答裡一般急切,「球」發出能量的劈啪聲,她轉身 撫摸「球」。   Montrose continued. “And you understand the conditions of such admission?”   Montrose繼續問道:「那麼妳明白獲取認可的條件了嗎?」   “Yes,” replied Orianna. “I will play by the rules of your Institute. I will be a good girl.”   「是的。」Orianna回答:「我會按照你們學院的規則玩耍。我會是個好女孩。」   The Ball whirred and clicked. Orianna added, “And The Ball will, too. Be a good ball, that is.”   「球」開始旋轉並發出滴答聲。Orianna補充:「而且『球』也會遵守規則。 就是說,它會當一顆好球」   Clearly uneasy by the experience, Summoner Carin remained silent. Senior Summoner Montrose, however unsettled himself, maintained his air of authority. “Then you shall be a Champion, clockwork girl. The arrangements will be made.”   召喚師Carin顯然被這次經驗難倒,保持著沉默。資深召喚師Montrose仍毫無 動搖,維持他的權威態度:「那麼妳將成為一名英雄,發條少女。我們將會頒發 認可給妳。」   Orianna made a sound that supposed to a girl's squeal of glee and hugged The Ball. While it might have been touching, it was unfortunately only horrifying.   Orianna發出推測是女孩歡欣尖叫的聲音,給「球」一個擁抱。這曾會是讓 人窩心的舉止,但很不幸的,現在只讓人感到毛骨悚然。 -- ︵▁▂ ╭─────────╮ ╗ ╭╯╮ Υ▂▁ _☆_══╦═ 顏回妳給我過來 ╯╭╯☆╰╮ ╴ ═╦╩╮ ◣ ◢. 跟老娘單挑!║ ╔╦╦╗ ╴ ═╩═╩ ╰─────────╯ ║ ╠╬╬║ ╔╗╔══╗ /\╝ ╚╚╚╯ ╚╝╚══╝ ︾︾ 孔☆丘 倫☆語 りん☆ご ANSI by gbwind --

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1F:推 silentcrane :辛苦翻譯推~ 06/05 10:39
2F:→ silentcrane :disconnected emotionally = 沒感情 06/05 10:39
3F:推 pp1877 :話說簽名檔那是孔丘嗎 以前的設定嗎?(離題 06/05 10:41
※ 編輯: Jackalxx 來自: (06/05 10:42)
4F:→ silentcrane :took her off her feet 印象中應該是雙腳離地... 06/05 10:42
5F:→ silentcrane :沒有分離這麼殘忍的樣子 QQ 06/05 10:42
以上先改過XD 感謝 ※ 編輯: Jackalxx 來自: (06/05 10:44)
6F:→ silentcrane :^斷腳 06/05 10:43
7F:→ Jackalxx :孔丘是好久以前的簽名檔了,進來很少發文,都沒更新 06/05 10:44
8F:→ Jackalxx :簽名檔XD 06/05 10:45
9F:推 violette0809:教官你個混蛋啊啊啊啊 06/05 11:07
10F:推 wolf2008 :少根筋教官大出包 06/05 12:41
11F:推 lancer1668 :樓上帥哥 06/05 12:56
12F:推 krscent :感覺很悲劇的角色~ 06/05 13:13
13F:推 surolanter :一直想到GLADOS.......(撲 06/05 13:33
14F:推 hardyuse :推翻譯~ 06/05 14:04
15F:推 abccbaandy :大概某人不小心按到Fortify了吧... 06/05 14:51
16F:推 anandydy529 :所以說本來應該是一個萌系女角,因為教官失誤所以變 06/05 15:04
17F:→ anandydy529 :成可動PVC... 06/05 15:04
18F:推 a7420852 :QQ看完好難過喔 06/05 15:11
19F:推 spring34665 :我愛機女阿 06/05 15:11
20F:推 rance86 :怎麼最近riot都出悲劇女英雄阿QQ 06/05 15:47
21F:推 xupmc :我覺得最悲劇的是莫名其妙被抓來聯盟的英雄... 06/05 19:39
22F:推 Caplet :Noc表示: 06/05 19:49
23F:→ silentcrane :noc至少是因為作惡被捕...Kayle/Morg姐妹花和狗頭 06/05 19:53
24F:→ silentcrane :鱷魚兄弟根本是莫名其妙就進來了 LOL 06/05 19:54
25F:推 zseineo :還有冰鳥跟taric 06/06 00:33
26F:→ zseineo :莫名其妙就被從異世界抓來了XD 06/06 00:33
27F:推 peter50318 :EZ表示 我莫名其妙就來了.. 06/06 01:39
最後修飾一些句子 ※ 編輯: Jackalxx 來自: (06/06 17:03)

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