Linux 板

LINE 縮: 節錄在郵件論壇上的訊息: We are excited to announce that Arch Linux is entering into a direct collaboration with Valve. Valve is generously providing backing for two critical projects that will have a huge impact on our distribution: a build service infrastructure and a secure signing enclave. By supporting work on a freelance basis for these topics, Valve enables us to work on them without being limited solely by the free time of our volunteers. This opportunity allows us to address some of the biggest outstanding challenges we have been facing for a while. The collaboration will speed-up the progress that would otherwise take much longer for us to achieve, and will ultimately unblock us from finally pursuing some of our planned endeavors. We are incredibly grateful for Valve to make this possible and for their explicit commitment to help and support Arch Linux. These projects will follow our usual development and consensus-building workflows. [RFCs] will be created for any wide-ranging changes. Discussions on this mailing list as well as issue, milestone and epic planning in our GitLab will provide transparency and insight into the work. We believe this collaboration will greatly benefit Arch Linux, and are looking forward to share further development on this mailing list as work progresses. [RFCs]: 翻譯: 我們很高興的能在這裡宣布,Arch Linux 即將與 Valve 展開通力合作。Valve 慷慨地為 敝發行版兩項關鍵專案提供後盾:編譯伺服器的基礎設施以及安全的簽章隔離措施。 藉由自由參與相關專案的方式,Valve 讓我們的運作能不僅止於志願者的空閒時間。 這個機會讓我們能更專注於處理那些顯然已經擱置一陣子的嚴峻挑戰。整個曠日廢時的時 程將大幅加速,而甚或突破阻礙,讓我們終於能開始致力於探索一些規劃中的嘗試。對於 Valve幫助並支持Arch Linux的明確承諾,我們深表感激。 上開專案將遵循我們一般的開發與共識建立的工作流程。針對一些廣泛的變化,團隊也會 啟動相關的意見徵求(RFC)流程。發生在郵件論壇、GitLab 上開的問題、里程碑、甚至 大版本更新(Epic)的討論,也依然會是公開而深入相關作業的。我們相信 Arch Linux 能 大幅受惠於這次的合作。我們也期盼能在此分享後續的的開發與合作進度。 Update 28/09/24 - 14:13 UTC: Arch Linux packager and Valve collaborator Campbell Jones, mentioned to me: The enclave is essentially intended to be a way for us to PGP-sign packages with a single signing key instead of how we do it right now, which is with one personal key per packager. It will not benefit Proton or the anti-cheat situation in any way and is completely unrelated. 所謂的secure signing enclave簽章隔離措施,主要是讓軟體包的PGP簽章能單一化,而非 目前的「打包員各自簽署自己包的軟體」的模式。並不會影響到 Proton 或反作弊的現狀 畢竟是完全無關的。 --

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1F:推 Bencrie: 是說 deb 也是吧。.deb 內的東西由 maintainer 簽一次 09/29 09:36
2F:→ Bencrie: apt repo 那邊再用 arhieve 的 key 簽一次 09/29 09:37
3F:推 s9209122222: 起飛啦! 09/29 11:23
4F:推 deflife: 6.12版可以從userspace改sched 這應該對遊戲影響很大 09/29 11:27
5F:推 ivon852: 快點贊助Arch Linux ARM,這樣就有ARM晶片的Deck了 09/29 13:33
6F:推 funk443: Valve uses Arch BTW 09/30 12:09
7F:推 KleinSchwarz: 爽 10/02 01:50
補充說明一下: 蘋果電腦有個Secure Enclave技術,簡單講就是TPM 剛好跟這裡撞名,所以部落客才會以為說要合作開發TPM相關技術 可能可以改善反作弊的支援性,但被否定了 希望不只後繼機種,原祖Steam Deck也能趕快跟上核心跟桌面系統、graphic stack 的更新...他核心跟KDE卡好久了... 然後,這邊提到Valve是以外部自由參加的方式,但它員工數... 就怕到時候又是消耗社群能量... ※ 編輯: brli7848 ( 臺灣), 10/02/2024 16:31:41

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