作者superboss (乖乖大老闆^^#)
標題[情報] 期中考題-英美導
時間Tue Nov 30 22:31:43 2004
考試時間 二小時
Rules of Exam
1.This is a closed-book exam.
2.All question must be answered in English.
3.The total score in this exam is 110
1.Please explain the following concepts:30%
(1)stare decisis
(2)res judicata
(3)specific performance
2.As to the legislative comperence of the US Congress, please describe at
lease 5 subject matter areas specifically enumerated in the Constitution
as well as other 2 general clauses usually used by the Congress.20%
3.Please shortly describe the "regulatory agency" and using Federal Trade
Commission as an example.10%
4.Please explain what case(s) can bring into US federal court system, i.e.
federal court's general jurisdiction.(15%)
5.Please explain the relationship of statutory laws between the state and
federal levels.(15%)
6.Please explain what the following citation(s) or source(s) mean?(20%)
(4)MacPeherson v. Buick Motor Co., 17 N.Y.2d 27, 215 N.E.2d 159 (1966).
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※ 編輯: superboss 來自: (09/08 02:52)