作者babu4 (寒冷的夏天)
標題Re: [自介] 來一段版友自介吧
時間Tue Sep 16 00:07:12 2008
˙性別∕生日:男 23 Jan
˙學校∕職業:SHU / free lance
˙目前居住地:Taiwan / Malaysia
˙最喜歡的拉丁國家:Argentina,Paraguay,Dominican Republic,Costa Rica
˙去過哪些拉丁國家: none
˙最喜歡的拉丁人物:all my latino friends
˙最喜歡的拉丁景點:cant tell yet cos I havent been there
˙對拉丁美洲版的期許:wish to meet more friends here and get known
of the latinAmerican culture
˙我想說的話: I'm glad that I met some good friends here in Taiwan,
and they are all Latin American.That's why I'm kinda
looking forward to get known of these places more, and
go there someday...jajaja...that's my dream~
老外Tell Me Why 歡迎留言
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