LaTeX 板


這兩段是出現在The LaTeX Companion沒錯, p.564 and p.565 我手上的是second edition 另外, 在p.32有提到 Finally, a few words about the suppression of the indentation for the first paragraph after a display heading. Standard LaTeX document classes, following (American) English typographic tradition, suppress the indentation in this case. All first paragraph after a display heading can be indented by specifying the package indentfirst (David Carlisle). -- 我之前也特地為了首段縮排, 特地找出了indentfirst package, 下次問一下老闆好了. ※ 引述《ericyu (Eric)》之銘言: : 推 ericyu: 09/18 18:37 : 推 CriLit:/indenet,/hspace*{xxmm} 09/19 10:40 : 推 civiltensai:謝樓上 我使用/hspace*{4mm}很合 09/19 13:27 : → jlovet:其實我看到的英文書.第一段都沒有縮... 09/19 16:22 : 用 \hspace*{4mm} 可能若遇到調整字體大小會有大小不一的問題? : 每次遇到開頭段落都用 \indent 可能也是有點麻煩, : 還是直接用 FAQ 所提及的 \usepackage{indentfirst} 比較快 XD : 以下這段文字... 我忘記出自哪裡了. 可能是 The LaTeX Companion. : 重點在第二段. 然而我手上沒有 TeXbook, 所以沒辦法看 Knuth 是怎麼說的. : 不過看來他的意思是, 有些語言排版是要所有段落縮排, : 但是有的語言 (如英文?) 則是首段不縮排. 有錯請指正 :P : In The TeXbook [82, pp.72--74], the concept of extra white space : after punctuation characters is discussed. Good typesetting : practice mandates that intersentence spaces behave a little : differently than interword spaces with respect to shrinkage and : expansion (during justification). However, this practice is no : considered helpful in all cases, so for a number of languages : (Breton, Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Estonian, Finnish, Frech, : German, Norwegian, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Ukrainian) : this feature is switched off by calling the command \frenchspacing. : Another layout concept that is built into most LaTeX classes is : the suppression of the paragraph indentation for the first : paragraph that follows a section heading. Again, for some : languages this behavior is wrong; the support for French, : Serbo-Croatian, and Spanish changes it to have all paragraphs : indented. In fact, you can request behavior for any document by : loading the package indentfirst. --

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