Knicks 板


大衛貓第一次翻譯還請多指較 喵............. 消息來源: SWEETNEY'S PUSHING KURT 長江後浪推前浪------ Sweetney 推推推...推著Kurt Thomas前進!!! By MARC BERMAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BIG CHANGE: Power forward Mike Sweetney, who was buried on Knicks before Isiah Thomas came aboard, figures large in team's future now. NY Post: Charles Wenzelberg 巨大的改變: 強力前鋒Mike Sweetney在尼克的現任總管Iaiah Thomas上任以前, 一直是被埋葬的的一塊璞玉,現在這位強力前鋒即將改變這隻球隊的未來............ October 10, 2004 -- CHARLESTON, S.C. — Knicks assistant coach Mark Aguirre, who's made Michael Sweetney his pet project, proclaimed the rugged power forward is an All-Star in the making. 尼克隊的助理教練Mark Aguirre,一值在推動著Sweetney的自我訓練 他宣稱:這位有著才華的強力前鋒正在邁向All-Star的路上邁進. (編按:"內幕消息" Mark Aguirre是老湯的死黨兼換帖......... 1981年小牛隊的選秀狀元 以前活塞隊的冠軍隊友,此人以低位單打的能力著稱, 是80年代出名的小前鋒之一,後來隨著老湯在溜馬隊擔任助理教練 小歐尼爾跟小哈的內線單打能力就是被這位老兄操出來的傑作.......) After five days of training camp here, Sweetney appears to have the edge over veteran Kurt Thomas for the starting power forward job, but that ferocious battle will be decided during the eight-game preseason schedule. 在五天的季前訓練營之前,一切看起來.......似乎SWEETNEY還無法取代 Kurt Thomas在球隊中的先發大前鋒的位置,但是這一場野蠻的先發大前鋒 之爭將會在八場的季前熱身賽中有一個答案 "Sweetney's going to be one of the best power forwards in our conference," Aguirre told The Post. "There's no doubt in my mind. There's no stopping Sweetney. You can't stop Sweetney form turning into what he's ready to turn into." "小甜甜將會是聯盟中最好的一位強力前鋒之一"Aguirre教練如此告訴NY POST的記者. "這在我心中是毫無疑問的,沒有任何東西可以使Sweetney停下前進的步伐,你無法阻止 這名年輕的球員,他已經準備好這個轉變了." When camp opened Tuesday, Thomas was supremely confident he would repel Sweetney's bid. But after Sweetney's dogged rebounding in scrimmages and Thomas' wayward jump shot, Thomas admitted he's in for a dogfight. 當週四的訓練營開幕時,老湯總管就確定Sweetney今年將有著更終極的狀態可以 面對新球季的挑戰.在看到小甜甜強悍的籃板能力還有KT不穩定的跳頭之前, 老湯就認為小甜甜可以適應新一季的混戰. (編按:dogfight....還真的是狗打架ㄟ....美國人用字真好笑..XXD) Two days ago, Sweetney made one spin move off the post for a reverse layup that Thomas couldn't even do when he was the NCAA scoring champion at TCU. 兩天以前,小甜甜在籃下作出了一個漂亮的旋轉回身上籃動作 ------這是那位TCU 大學出身的NCAA冠軍KT所作不到的. (編按:這是挖苦嗎....記者好惡毒阿.....) "I don't feel I had that great a camp," Thomas said. "Sweetney's playing great. We'll see. [The camp] was not up to my standards. I'm in great shape but not as far as shooting the ball." "我不認為我可以在訓練營中作出這麼好的動作"KT說. "小甜甜打的很好,我們都看的到.可是我在訓練營中的表現還沒有達到我正常的水準. 我認為我的狀態不錯,但是我的投籃準頭好像還沒有帶到訓練營中....." (編按:KT你再裝死麻......) Thomas' deft mid-range jumper is his biggest edge over Sweetney. But if he's erratic during the exhibition season, Sweetney will crack the starting lineup in his second year, completing a stunning turnaround. KT靈敏的中距離能力是他贏小甜甜最大的本錢.但是如果KT的中距離在訓練營中 表現的非常不穩定,而小甜甜將會在他第二年的生涯中贏得教練先發的肯定, 特別是你看到小甜甜那驚人的轉變以後." Sweetney was selected ninth in the 2003 NBA Draft by former GM Scott Layden, but incomprehensibly, the old regime had him on and off the injured list. 小甜甜是2003年在選秀會上被我們的前GM Scott Layden用第九順位選下的新秀, 但是可悲的是,舊的管理階層一直將他放在傷兵名單之上. When Isiah Thomas came aboard, one of his first moves was to activate Sweetney. The Knicks president was stunned a lottery pick on a substandard club hadn't been activated. 當老湯接任總管以後,老湯作的第一個動作就是將小甜甜從傷兵名單之中提出來. 老湯非常的驚訝-------我們用樂透選秀權選來的新秀竟然無法上場........... Aguirre and George Glymph were brought in by Isiah Thomas as developmental coaches last January and their chief assignment was Sweetney, who became a vital role player over the final 21/2 months. Aguirre 跟 George Glymph兩人是老湯自今年一月以來帶來的助理教練. 他們的工作就是在過去的兩個半月中協助訓練這位尼克未來的希望之星. "I'd like to see how he pushes Kurt," Aguirre said. "In our situation, we need them both. Eventually Sweetney is going to be that power forward. No question. But I'd like to see him get more established. He can take the position if that's what happens. But Kurt is very valuable to us." "我非常的高興,小甜甜的進步促使KT有危機意識"助理教練Aguirre談論這著. "在我們球隊的PF位置上,我們需要他們兩個人.而毫無問題的,小甜甜將會是我們在PF 這個位置上面的解答.但是我更希望看到他變的更堅強.他可以接下PF這個位置,如果 這是即將發生的事情.......但是KT對我們也是非常有價值的......" (編按:最後面翻譯的不好....請包涵) Aguirre worked with Sweetney all summer and the former Georgetown star shined at the Long Beach summer league, scoring 20.3 points on 57-percent shooting, hauling in 10.8 rebounds. Banging with Sweetney this summer, Aguirre developed a herniated disk, and actually was bed-ridden here until yesterday. Aguirre整個暑假只都在加州長堤的夏季聯盟協助小甜甜這一位前喬治城大學的 明星前鋒作為他的教練.這夏季聯盟中,小甜甜有著20.3分,57%的投籃命中率, 還有拼命拉下的10.8個籃板.......這個暑假Aguirre都拖著他那患著疝氣的身體 陪著Sweetney練球(籃下投籃)直到昨天的訓練營為止......... "What Mark and George did with Sweetney, you should bottle it," Isiah Thomas said. "Mark Aguirre 跟 George Glymph過去一直協助著小甜甜,你應該記著這一點" 老湯如此說. * 以下是紐約長島出身的本地人 "白狼射手"Wally Szczerbiak想回紐約打球的報導. 他的老婆說想留在紐約這個大城市,而他本人也想留在家鄉打球 只是灰狼的老闆可能不這麼想 因為他不想付球員交易以後300萬的豪華稅 Long Island's Wally Szczerbiak is still hopeful Isiah Thomas can pull off a blockbuster trade with the Wolves that involves Kurt Thomas. Talks broke down because Wolves ownership didn't want to take on about $3 million in future payroll (double with the luxury tax). Szczerbiak spends the offseason at his new house in Cold Spring Harbor and his wife prefers New York. "If I'm going to go, that's the only place I would want to go," Szczerbiak told a Minnesota writer. "I love it here, we have a chance to win a title, but New York always raises my eyebrows because that's home, and it will always be nice to have one house and settle the family." -- 因為喜歡尼克 所以改型叫NYK 囉^^ 被叫去當拍照的MODEL 真爽^^ --

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