Knicks 板


消息來源: 也許等到開季開始,我們可以改叫Marburty 一聲"小馬隊長"了 這位康尼島長大的孩子在週一走進了 另一名在紐約長大的控球(也是現在的教練) Lenny Wilkens的辦公室內 "我要成為海賊王!!!"------小馬這麼說的 (打錯了.....是小馬要當尼克的隊長...) 我們的教練Lenny Wilkens應該會答應這個請求 所以尼克隊的隊長會變成了兩個人 我們將會有小休隊長還有小馬隊長 這兩位共同隊長 老威是這樣跟記者說的 讓小馬擔任尼克的隊長是一件好事 老威教練相信,小馬隊長會是一個在場上有更聲音的領導者 (對照組:自2000年以來那位穿20號的隊長......... 對了,隊長自上季以來已經有七個月沒有上場打過球了) 就像Willis Reed, Earl Monroeand還有 Patrick Ewing. 小馬在擔任隊長之後,他會以冠軍戒指為目標 長久以來................. 小馬一直被球評批評打球太"自私" 因此受過奧運會洗禮的小馬決定自告奮勇的 要成為" 海賊王" 小馬船長將要帶領黃金"薪資"尼克號 邁上偉大的航路 小馬將會開始帶領尼克邁上NBA的奪冠之旅 小馬希望給那些說他打球"personal"的人一些不同的感覺 是的,一枚NBA的冠軍戒指 小馬想要證明他領導球隊的能力 看來小馬去過希臘以後 真的長大很多......微笑^^ KNICKS TAB MARBURY AS CO-CAPTAIN By MARC BERMAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- October 8, 2004 -- CHARLESTON ?Call him Captain Steph now. Lenny Wilkens has bestowed the Knicks' captaincy on Stephon Marbury after the Coney Island Kid walked into his office Monday before the team flew to South Carolina and told the coach he was ready for the role, The Post has learned. Allan Houston will remain co-captain. Marbury, whose leadership had been questioned in some circles, will be the Knicks' more visible captain. Houston had been the sole captain since 2000. The decision was a no-brainer, since Houston hasn't played a game since March and often is apart from the team during his knee rehab. Marbury returned from the Olympic disappointment with a newfound maturity and perspective and he grabbed the bull by the horns Monday. "I went into the coach's office and told him I felt I was ready to be captain, ready to lead the team," Marbury told The Post. "I wanted to have the honor being the captain and that was bringing it every day in practice and every day in the games. Coach basically said, "All right, if you feel you're ready for that, I'll honor you with that.' " Wilkens confirmed the meeting but said he was considering naming Marbury captain before the Nov. 3 season opener anyway. "It wasn't like I didn't expect it," Wilkens told The Post. "It was something I had in mind and thought about this summer. That he's at a point in his career where he's maturing. He needs to step up and be a part of running this show. I felt it's be great to have him as captain. He's going to be more vocal [than Allan]. We already know that." Marbury believed he needed the title to feel more comfortable in leading the troops. Knicks president Isiah Thomas felt Marbury wasn't able to instill his full "personality" on the group last season since he joined in midseason. Marbury follows in the footsteps of Willis Reed, Earl Monroe and Patrick Ewing. "To be the captain on this team, and growing up in New York and all the things I've experienced, to be captain, it's kind of everything is conforming into my dreams and that's winning a championship here," Marbury said. "And these are basically all the steps that have been taken to reach that goal." With the Nets, Marbury was criticized for rubbing some mates the wrong way, with oncourt tongue-lashings. Marbury is not afraid to get into somebody's face but he feels it's better perceived when the club wins. "When you win, people look at you totally different," Marbury said. "When you lose, people don't value you in the same way. If we're winning and I'm screaming telling somebody what to do, then, 'oh, he's great leader. ' If you're losing, it doesn't look as good." -- 因為喜歡尼克 所以改型叫NYK 囉^^ 被叫去當拍照的MODEL 真爽^^ --

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