Knicks 板


消息來源: 摘要: 看來熱火隊跟火箭隊的希望要落空了. 雖然老湯跟MR.ANDERSON兩個人互看不爽. 但是MR.ANDERSON還是在訓練營中"作他該作的事", 也就是認真的訓練. 老湯總管已經放棄了要交易MR.ANDERSON 但是現在他也放棄了要買斷MR.ANDERSON剩下三年2400萬的合約 老湯現在只想等時間到了,有球隊會來洽談交易的事宜 (編按:那不是還要在等個2年嗎???) MR.ANDERSON應該也知道到老湯想的事情吧 在訓練營認真自我訓練的他 希望老威教練給他一個跟隊友平等競爭的機會 ----MR.ANDERSON希望他在11/3的開幕戰時可以擠身12人名單中. 另外,小休隊長確定8場季前熱身賽不打了. 老尼克人JOHN STARKS 被聘為資深球迷發展部門的顧問. Anderson Is Fitting In, for Now By HOWARD BECK Published: October 8, 2004 HARLESTON, S.C., Oct. 7 - The letters across Shandon Anderson's chest still spell Knicks, in the familiar blend of orange and blue. If there is a scarlet letter "P" somewhere on the jersey, he is hiding it well. For a designated pariah, Anderson seems quite at ease. "For the most part, everything has been normal," Anderson, a veteran swingman, said Thursday at the College of Charleston, where the Knicks are holding training camp. "There's been nothing out of the ordinary." Only a week ago, Isiah Thomas, the Knicks' president of operations, was ready to ban Anderson from camp. The two butted heads last season, and Thomas was incensed when Anderson failed to show for a postseason conversation. Thomas admitted he had tried to trade Anderson and would continue to do so. But three days into camp, Anderson is not only present, but humming through twice-daily practices. "He's being himself," forward Tim Thomas said. "He's going out, he's playing hard, practicing hard each and every day. And that's all you can ask from him. Despite the circumstances, he's not dogging it. So that's a good thing. We're supportive of him." The Knicks are unwilling to waive Anderson and swallow the $24 million he is due over the next three years. Isiah Thomas said a buyout, presumably for an amount less than that, was not an option. The Houston Rockets and the Miami Heat have an interest in Anderson if he becomes a free agent, but Isiah Thomas is waiting for someone to make a solid trade offer. Asked whether any team is willing to make a trade, Thomas paused, then grinned. "If I was to answer that question honestly," he said, "I would have to lie to you." So Anderson remains with the Knicks for now, and his status as a pariah seems to be fading. Thomas credited him with acting professionally and indicated that Anderson could potentially remain with the team all season. "If he conforms to the Knick ways and he acts accordingly, yeah," Thomas said. "Thus far, he's conformed. Everything's O.K. if you do what we're asking you to do. But when you try to do things the way you want to do them, there are issues with that." Anderson said he was confident that Coach Lenny Wilkens would give him a fair shot and that, if he is with the Knicks when they open the season on Nov. 3, he would be in the rotation. But then, he is not assuming much. "Let's not look that far ahead," Anderson said, chuckling. "A lot can happen." REBOUNDS It appears Allan Houston will not play in any of the Knicks' eight preseason games, but Isiah Thomas believes he will be ready by opening night and will still be capable of scoring 20-plus points a game. "Does he have to for us to win?'' Thomas said. "No. The days where Allan Houston had to play 50 minutes and score 40 points to be close in a game, that's not how it is anymore." ...The Knicks made official the appointment of John Starks as an adviser in alumni relations and fan development. -- 因為喜歡尼克 所以改型叫NYK 囉^^ 被叫去當拍照的MODEL 真爽^^ --

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